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Projects filtered by tag 'sensors'. Click on any other tag button to switch the context, this project is currently in.
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Fits theses moodes:
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Screenshot of Cave aux Bulles (Bubbles' Cellar)
Copyright: Guévaux 2013

Cave aux Bulles (Bubbles' Cellar) by Joelle Aeschlimann, Pauline Saglio and Mathieu Rivier

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By Simon Pyke / Freefarm

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Screenshot of Ghost
Copyright: Simon Pyke / Freefarm

Ghost by Thomas Traum and Tim Gfrerer; music by Simon Pyke

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Body Navigation

By ole kristensen

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Screenshot of Body Navigation
Copyright: ole kristensen

Body Navigation (8 min. trailer) by Recoil Performance Group.

Infrared Tracking and Interactive Video Projection:
Ole Kristensen and Jonas Jongejan

Tina Tarpgaard

Mathias Friis-Hansen and György Ligeti
performed by Athelas Sinfonietta

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Interactive Window Projection
Copyright: NuFormer

Interactive Window Projection by NuFormer. Zierikzee, Netherlands - June 2013

This projection technology transforms any (shopping) window into a huge video screen. Moving objects and people in front of the screen are tracked to create exciting interaction. All content can be custom-made for any product, project and purpose.

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By Pedro Deltell - Lemon Face Films

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Screenshot of EncuadrArte
Copyright: Pedro Deltell - Lemon Face Films

EncuadrArte by Pedro Deltell

BI-MA Interactive Installation for the Artdemossa. TorpeDeArte Collective.

El 24 de Julio en el Artdemossa durante las fiestas de Valdemossa Oigovisiones Team montó una fiesta-pipote con 5 proyectores reciclados, un par de cámaras, 8 ordenadores y una triplehead2go. ¡Este es el resultado!

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By elektropastete

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Screenshot of Elektropastete
Copyright: elektropastete

Interactive Installation by Stefanie Greimel - Elektropastete

Presented at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE Berlin

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