electroacoustic music

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Screenshot of Planktonium - SHORT VERSION
Copyright: Jan van IJken

Planktonium by Jan van IJken

"... Planktonium is a short film by Jan van IJken about the unseen world of living microscopic plankton. It is a voyage into a secret universe, inhabited by alien-like creatures. These stunningly beautiful, very diverse and numerous organisms are unknown to most of us because they are invisible to the naked eye. However, they are wandering beneath the surface of all waters around us and they are of vital importance for all life on earth.

Jan van IJken filmed the plankton through his microscopes, revealing the beauty and delicate structures of the minute organisms in the finest detail. The film is without any voice-over or explanation.

Renowned Norwegian artist Jana Winderen made a sound composition for the film. She is recording audio environments and creatures which are hard for humans to access, both physically and aurally – deep under water, inside ice or in frequency ranges inaudible to the human ear.

Phytoplankton (small plant-like cells) are producing half of all oxygen on earth by photosynthesis, like plants and trees do on land. Zooplankton are forming the base of the food chain of aquatic life. Plankton are also playing an important part in the global carbon cycle. The plankton are threatened by climate change, global warming and acidification of the oceans. ..."

Filmed, directed and produced by Jan van IJken
Sound composition by Jana Winderen
Edited by Jan van IJken and Metje Postma

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Spinning Record

By Emily Downe

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Screenshot of Spinning Record
Copyright: Emily Downe

Spinning Record by Emily Downe

"Whilst a human figure walks a linear path, the rest of existence continues turning on an endless loop. "

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INTERWORLDS - screengrab

By Boris Chimp 504

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of INTERWORLDS - screengrab
Copyright: Boris Chimp 504

INTERWORLDS - screengrab by Boris Chimp 504 (Rodrigo Carvalho + Miguel Neto)

"INTERWORLDS is an audiovisual installation where a composition of light, image and sound explores the intersections between a physical space and a virtual one. Therefore the audience can relate to the piece through the relation they build with a moving “audiovisual object”.

InterWorlds aims to make the public reflect on the relationship we currently have between the real and virtual world(s) and how increasingly the latter is present in our lives. InterWorlds can be understood as a portal to and from other worlds, a fine line between the real and the virtual, a synchronicity between this universe and [other] parallel worlds.

Realtime visuals made with VUO, sound on Ableton."

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Elastic Recurrence

By johan rijpma

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Screenshot of Elastic Recurrence
Copyright: johan rijpma

Elastic Recurrence by johan rijpma

More info: johanrijpma.nl/notes/notes-elastic-recurrence/

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By Peter Burr

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Fits theses moodes:
Screenshot of DROP CITY
Copyright: Peter Burr

DROP CITY by Peter Burr

"I was there the other day. So weird wandering thru those deserted ripped-off structures that so much love & agony & labor went into building. There were ghosts behind every broken window & half-off-the-hinges door. Sad hippy ghost town with a pile of human shit deposited on the drainboard next to the sink. Too many rats packed into too small a space. I guess we'll go down & scrounge what we can." (Peter Rabbit on Drop City)

By Peter Burr
Music by John Also Bennett
Music: JAB - "Menu Music For Video Game" from the album Erg Herbe (Shelter Press, 2019)
Technical Direction and Artistic Collaboration by Mark Fingerhut
Technical Work and Artistic Collaboration by Oren Shoham

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Zero Gravity

By Nico Neefs

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Zero Gravity
Copyright: Nico Neefs

Zero Gravity by Nico Neefs

Nico Neefs (photographer)
Stéphane Bourhis (dancer)
Masami Sakura (dancer)
Sound by Anthony Braucourt

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By OPENFIELD Creativelab

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Copyright: OPENFIELD Creativelab


"“Estrutura” is a light and sound installation that explores the structure, the skeletton and other physical features of Silo-Auto (an expectant brutalist iconic building in Porto/Portugal). The installation sound was composed collaboratively by participants in three sound-capture workshops that took place previously in the same building."

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