3d projection

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Spiral - 360° Panorama
Copyright: DEFRAME

Spiral - 360° Panorama by DEFRAME Collective at Oddstream Festival 2011 NL.

Carolien Teunisse [Lucidlien] - visuals
Luuk Meuffels [Lume] - visuals
Leon Lubberdink [Dubberdink] - sound design
Robin Koek [Artefakt] - sound design

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black mirror

By Robert Seidel

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Screenshot of black mirror
Copyright: Robert Seidel

"black mirror" by Robert Seidel

The title "Black Mirror" refers to the dark mirror used in the 18th century for landscape painting, also called Claude glass.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claude_glass

Black Mirror – A New Installation and Moving Paintings
1st US Solo Show of Robert Seidel Young Projects, Space B210, Los Angeles
March 22nd to August 20th 2011

Projection on Paper Sculptures in front of a Mirror
Sculpture #1: 1,6 x 1,2 x 0,8 m (shown)
Sculpture #2: 2,1m x 0,8 x 0,9 m
USA / Germany 2011

Artists websit: http://robertseidel.com

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Screenshot of Waking Dream
Copyright: SDNA

#Dance / #Video #Installation: Waking Dream by SDNA

Bringing together theatre, dance and digital animation, Waking Dream takes us on a disorienting journey through the subconscious of a sleeping commuter.
"...SDNA have engaged with the possibilities of a 360-degree screen as well as the original function of the Roundhouse as a railway engine shed, to create a work based around the surreal dream of a commuter who has nodded off in transit. ...."

Director: Valentina Floris and Ben Foot
Soundtrack: Takatsuna Mukai
3D animation: Zsolt Balogh
Stylist: Anya Kamarek
Performers: Nina Fog, Zoe Jones, Marcin Rudy and Katarzyna Witek

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Highly Strung

By dave jones

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Screenshot of Highly Strung
Copyright: dave jones

"Highly Strung" by Dave Jones.

The performance of Highly Strung featuring the giant 14 meter puppet took place on the night of October 28th 2011 during the Nati Frinj festival. The puppet took ten people to operate and had animation (largely created by the children at the local primary school) projected onto it from projectors mounted both on the ground and in the head of the puppet itself. Music by Stephen Oakes

Filmed by, Jacqui Schulz, Dave Jones, Gareth Llewellin and Cindi Drennan
More on http://theartofdave.blogspot.com.au

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By goandsee123 goandsee123

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Screenshot of DELUSION
Copyright: goandsee123 goandsee123

DELUSION - an interactive light #installation by Luo Yu.

DELUSION is an interactive light installation which turns static floating tubes into virtual dynamic objects by using emitted light from projectors and sensors. DELUSION is a research of media arts into the combination between projection mapping and interaction technique.

Projects website: http://delusion.yuluo.de

DELUSION - an interactive light installation

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By Loop.pH

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Screenshot of Sonumbra
Copyright: Loop.pH

Sonumbra by Loop.pH

Imagine an outsize parasol planted in an African village. By day, it offers shelter from the sun: by night, it sheds light for the local community using the energy collected in solar cells embedded in its canopy. It's clever, it explores a new role for textiles, and it shows concern for the planet. In short: an eco-friendly solution to a pernicious modern problem.

Prototype designed and fabricated by Loop.pH 2008.
First exhibited at MoMA 2008.

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Kubiot (cubes)

By Yoav David

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Screenshot of Kubiot (cubes)
Copyright: Yoav David

Kubiot (cubes)
by Yoav David, Lior Bentov and Yehontan Porat

Kubiot is a media art installation performed in the Acco Theater Festival 2011.

Concept: Yoav David, Lior Bentov and Yehontan Porat - http://Orbanu.com
Direction: Yoav David
Art director: Lior Bentov
Acting: Yehonatan Porat, Yael Finkel
Original Music: Alberto Schwartz
Sound Design:
Binya Reches
Set Construction: Yaacov Gal
Compositing: Adam Lewinson

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