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Screenshot of Klangfiguren // env blinds
Copyright: Lukas Hoeh

Klangfiguren // env blinds by Lukas Hoe.

Photos from mobile phones of the visitors are sent to the installation and become fragments of color and light as part of a video mapping projection in Cologne, Germany.

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By Tina Tarpgaard

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Screenshot of FROST
Copyright: Tina Tarpgaard

FROST by Tina Tarpgaard

Frost is a dance performance where the warm intensity of the body contrasts with the frozen imprints left behind. It is a performance about memory.

Commissioned and produced by the Danish Dance Theatre.
Choreographer: Tina Tarpgaard
Dancers: Nelson R R Smith, Stinna Malmgreen, Minna Berglund, Luca Marazia, Ana Sendas and Csongor Szabo
Video and software artist: Jonas Jongejan, Ole Kristensen
Light design: Andreas Buhl
Composer: Jens Hørsving
Costumes: Charlotte Østergård

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By candas sisman

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Screenshot of KNiTT
Copyright: candas sisman

KNiTT - video for an audiovisual installation by Candas Sisman

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Origine du Monde

By Miguel Chevalier Plus

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Screenshot of Origine du Monde
Copyright: Miguel Chevalier Plus

Origine du Monde by Miguel Chevalier

Generative and interactive virtual reality installation
Power Pixels 2013, Wood Street Galleries, Pittsburgh (USA).
Music: Jacopo Baboni Schilingi
Software: Cyrille Henry / Antoine Villeret
Size: 25 x 4 m

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By Nikita Tsymbal

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Screenshot of PH(R)ASE
Copyright: Nikita Tsymbal

PH(R)ASE by Asymmetrique Answer performance group

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Videowall installation

By lucette Braune

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Screenshot of Videowall installation
Copyright: lucette Braune

Videowall installation by Lucette Braune

Video projection at the city theatre of Utrecht.

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Short Circuit

By Marcus Graf

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Screenshot of Short Circuit
Copyright: Marcus Graf

Short Circuit by Marcus Graf & Jérôme Meyer.

Premiere of Short Circuit, a video & dance combination recorded at Korzo5Hoog, The Hague, Netherlands, on the 29 October 2009.

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