Moving Brussels
By Jevan Chowdhury
Moving Brussels by Jevan Chowdhury
"A short film capturing some of the most talented Belgian dancers during a Brussels rush hour."
I Don’t Remember Being Raised Like This
By gabor papp
"I Don’t Remember Being Raised Like This"
by The Symptoms performance collective.
Creator-performers: Réka Szabó, Emese Cuhorka, István Gőz, Dániel Szász
Light and space: Attila Szirtes
Costume: Edit Szűcs
Visual design, interactive technology: Gábor Karcis, Zsolt Korai, Gábor Papp
Video: Gáspár Hajdu, Zoltán CsĂk-Kovács, Attila ZĂ©rczi
Special thanks: Gábor Botond Barna, Bence Földesi, Dóra Furulyás
Le mouvement de l'air
By Adrien M / Claire B
Le mouvement de l'air by Adrien M / Claire B
Spectacle arts numériques et danse.
Recherche en cours. Création le 7 octobre 2015 au Théâtre de L’Archipel, scène nationale de Perpignan.
Compagnie Adrien M / Claire B
spiro composition
By Hiroshi Matoba
spiro composition 2 by Hiroshi Matoba
Resonate - Sensing Spaces
By Felix Faire
Resonate - Sensing Spaces: Royal Academy by Felix Faire.
An audiovisual installation commissioned for the Sensing Spaces exhibition at the Royal Academy for their one off "Friday Night Late" event with Portico Quartet.
"The ... project ... uses contact microphones and live abstract projections to create an audiovisual gestalt. The installation amplified and resonated the vibrations of a single staircase in the Pezo "Blue Pavilion" and broadcast the sounds to the staircases inhabitants. At the same time the information of every step, tap and impulse from inside was used to generate live visual abstractions on the external facade.
The building becomes acoustically transparent as the people outside can see what the people inside can hear."
Cycles 720
By numbercult
Cycles 720 by numbercult
"Cycles 720 is an hybrid visual/audio sequencer built using VVVV and Ableton Live with a custom M4L patch.
Circle/Line interactions trigger percussion: rhythm and swing are dictated by the size, number of circles, their degree of separation, orientation and elasticity of each collision."
Klangfiguren // env blinds
By Lukas Hoeh
Klangfiguren // env blinds by Lukas Hoe.
Photos from mobile phones of the visitors are sent to the installation and become fragments of color and light as part of a video mapping projection in Cologne, Germany.