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Projects filtered by tag 'oddity'. Click on any other tag button to switch the context, this project is currently in.
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Screenshot of RITUAL for a 3D Printer
Copyright: nikoladze

RITUAL for a 3D Printer
by Koko Nikoladze

"RITUAL for a 3D Printer is an electroacoustic musical piece composed for a machine. "

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5 petits cochons

By Sarah Haug

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Screenshot of 5 petits cochons
Copyright: Sarah Haug

5 petits cochons by Sarah Haug

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Screenshot of BlackHoleHorizon@Kunstverein_Ingolstadt
Copyright: Thom Kubli

at Kunstverein Ingolstadt
by Thom Kubli

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Screenshot of “Tiny People Tribe” @ Dnieper River bridge
Copyright: Motomichi Studio

“Tiny People Tribe” @ Dnieper River bridge

"Projection Mapping installation at Dnieper River bridge, Kiev, Ukraine for Linoleum Animation and Media Art Festival. 2015."

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Dogs of Life

By Jack Wedge

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Screenshot of Dogs of Life
Copyright: Jack Wedge

Dogs of Life by John Samuel Wedge

Music by Will Freudenheim

"Dogs of Life explores the line between passivity and consideration. It explores human nature using surreal and subliminal messages. It tells the tale of a retired bounty hunter who goes above and beyond the appropriate call of duty to help his neighbor, who is like a stranger to him."

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Screenshot of Virtual Actors in Chinese Opera
Copyright: Tobias Gremmler

Virtual Actors in Chinese Opera by Tobias Gremmler

Created for a theatre production that fuses Chinese Opera with New Media, the virtual actors are inspired by shapes, colors and motions of traditional Chinese costumes and dance. The project made me think of how costumes and fashion could reshape a human body.

Theatre Credits:
Lord Guan Yu on Stage
Scriptwriter: Wang An-qi
Director and Designer: Mathias Woo @ Zuni Icosahedron
Digital Images: Tobias Gremmler
Performed by: GuoGuang Opera Company (Taipei)

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