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Screenshot of El Empleo / The Employment
Copyright: opusBou

El Empleo / The Employment
by Santiago 'Bou' Grasso.

Cortometraje de animación / animated short film
Dirección / Direction: Santiago 'Bou' Grasso
Idea: Patricio Plaza
Animación / Animation: Santiago 'Bou' Grasso / Patricio Plaza
Diseño de títulos / Titles design: Natalia Acosta
Productora / Production company: Opusbou


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Light Forms

By Malcolm Sutherland

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Screenshot of Light Forms
Copyright: Malcolm Sutherland

Light Forms by Malcolm Sutherland

A short experimental floaty & aimless animation.
Soundtrack is also made by Malcolm Sutherland.

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Screenshot of L' ONDÉE (RAINS)
Copyright: DCDA


Directed by: David COQUARD-DASSAULT
Production: Folimage/ ONF-NFB/ Canal+
Music: Christophe HÉRAL
Year of production: 2008

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Screenshot of Holistic Strata
Copyright: YCAM
License: S20 Hiroaki Umeda

Holistic Strata by Hiroaki Umeda

"Holistic Strata is a YCAM (Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media) original production developed with the Center's expert staff during the artist's stay in Yamaguchi, with the aim to break new ground in the filed of body expression integrating media technology....
Based on his own set designs mixing imagery and sound, Hiroaki Umeda equivalently combines in his pieces elements of light, sound, and the human body....
Look forward to a novel type of performance that will rock your body senses and challenge your perception."

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the radar

By ryoji ikeda studio

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Used technologies:
Fits theses moodes:
Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of the radar
Copyright: ryoji ikeda studio
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

the radar by Ryoji Ikeda

the radar :: the new site-specific installation was projected onto the sands and waves on Devil's Beach in Rio de Janeiro (between Copacabana and Ipanema), 7-9 SEP 2012,
curated by Marcello Dantas
OiR project oir.art.br/

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Screenshot of The house that my father built (Once upon a time)
Copyright: Sadik Kwaish Alfraji

The house that my father built (Once upon a time) by Sadik Kwaish Alfraji

Multimedia installation consisting of a painting 620 x 400 cm, several ready-mades, photograph, and an animation film projected on a 700 x 900 cm. surface.

Presented at Mathaf - Arab Museum of Modern Art, Doha, Qatar: Told, Untold, Retold, December 30, 2010 – May 28, 2011, curated by Sam Bardaouil and Till Fellrath.

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Highly Strung

By dave jones

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Screenshot of Highly Strung
Copyright: dave jones

"Highly Strung" by Dave Jones.

The performance of Highly Strung featuring the giant 14 meter puppet took place on the night of October 28th 2011 during the Nati Frinj festival. The puppet took ten people to operate and had animation (largely created by the children at the local primary school) projected onto it from projectors mounted both on the ground and in the head of the puppet itself. Music by Stephen Oakes

Filmed by, Jacqui Schulz, Dave Jones, Gareth Llewellin and Cindi Drennan
More on http://theartofdave.blogspot.com.au

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