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Origine du Monde

By Miguel Chevalier Plus

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Screenshot of Origine du Monde
Copyright: Miguel Chevalier Plus

Origine du Monde by Miguel Chevalier

Generative and interactive virtual reality installation
Power Pixels 2013, Wood Street Galleries, Pittsburgh (USA).
Music: Jacopo Baboni Schilingi
Software: Cyrille Henry / Antoine Villeret
Size: 25 x 4 m

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By lucette Braune

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Screenshot of Charlady
Copyright: lucette Braune

Charlady by Lucette Braune

A cleaning lady spents her life close to the ground. Hopefully in heaven things are better. Poem: Gerrit Achterberg (1949). One from 'the animated poetry' series by ilLuster productions

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By Mario Cavalli

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Screenshot of SOHO SQUARE
Copyright: Mario Cavalli

SOHO SQUARE by Mario Cavalli.

Devised & Directed by Mario Cavalli
Design & Backgrounds: Ashley Potter
Choreography: Jane Turner
Performers: Richard Blanco, Angela Chambers, Karen Chantale, Jane Edwards, Fiona Graham, Andy Johnson, Kate Shannon, David Shields, Daniel Taylor-Woodrow, Trevor Waldren.
Prosthetics & Wardrobe: Peter Cocks & Steven Taylor-Woodrow
Camera: Tony Dow
Editor: Richard Harris Post
Production: Owen Hurley & Chris Roff
Music: Nick Franglen

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By La Gaîté Lyrique

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Screenshot of Glong
Copyright: La Gaîté Lyrique

Glong! Glong by Romain Blanc-Tailleur and Damien Pelletier.

Directed by Romain Blanc-Tailleur, Damien Pelletier. Produced by EnsAD - École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs Genres : Animated film - Runtime : 7 min 11 seconds Production year : 2008

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Jons and the Spider
Copyright: Moth

Jons and the Spider.
Directed by Marie-Margaux Tsakiri-Scanatovits and Soyoung Hyun,
sound design by Tom Lowe; produced at the Royal College of Art, 2010

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Screenshot of El Empleo / The Employment
Copyright: opusBou

El Empleo / The Employment
by Santiago 'Bou' Grasso.

Cortometraje de animación / animated short film
Dirección / Direction: Santiago 'Bou' Grasso
Idea: Patricio Plaza
Animación / Animation: Santiago 'Bou' Grasso / Patricio Plaza
Diseño de títulos / Titles design: Natalia Acosta
Productora / Production company: Opusbou

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Light Forms

By Malcolm Sutherland

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Screenshot of Light Forms
Copyright: Malcolm Sutherland

Light Forms by Malcolm Sutherland

A short experimental floaty & aimless animation.
Soundtrack is also made by Malcolm Sutherland.

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