digital art

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Screenshot of A History of the Sky
Copyright: Ken Murphy

A History of the Sky by Ken Murphy

"This is a year-long time-lapse study of the sky. A camera installed on the roof of the Exploratorium museum in San Francisco captured an image of the sky every 10 seconds. From these images, I created a mosaic of time-lapse movies, each showing a single day. The days are arranged in chronological order. My intent was to reveal the patterns of light and weather over the course of a year."

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Quantum Space

By sodazot

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Screenshot of Quantum Space
Copyright: sodazot

Quantum Space / interactive room by sodazot

Quantum Space. Interactive video room/installation.
Life Zone exhibition at M'ARS Gallery, Moscow.

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By Maria Takeuchi

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Screenshot of as·phyx·i·a
Copyright: Maria Takeuchi

as·phyx·i·a by Maria Takeuchi

Music and Direction : Maria Takeuchi
Visuals and Direction : Frederico Phillips
Performance Artist : Shiho Tanaka
Camera Filming / Support : Samuel Blalark
Camera equipment : Jason Guerrero

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A Very Short Film

By Vallée Duhamel

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Screenshot of A Very Short Film
Copyright: Vallée Duhamel

A Very Short Film by Vallée Duhamel.

A Very Short Film is a film by Vallée Duhamel that follows the journey of a girl in a yellow dress as she enters a strange world.

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Screenshot of Cie 14:20 - Impressions
Copyright: Cie 14:20

Impressions by Cie 14:20

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Le mouvement de l'air

By Adrien M / Claire B

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Screenshot of Le mouvement de l'air
Copyright: Adrien M / Claire B

Le mouvement de l'air by Adrien M / Claire B

Spectacle arts numériques et danse.
Recherche en cours. Création le 7 octobre 2015 au Théâtre de L’Archipel, scène nationale de Perpignan.
Compagnie Adrien M / Claire B

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solo scum

By mophrecords

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Screenshot of solo scum
Copyright: mophrecords

solo scum by mophrecords

Director / Camera:mukai jumpei

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