audiovisual art

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Distorted times

By Gideon van der Stelt

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Screenshot of Distorted times
Copyright: Gideon van der Stelt

Distorted times by Gideon van der Stelt. "A collage of existing film fragments, released into my paper-folded version of Utrecht."

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By Donald Craig

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Screenshot of Artikulation
Copyright: Donald Craig

Composition / Graphical Notation: Ligeti - Artikulation

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By Michael Langan

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Screenshot of Choros
Copyright: Michael Langan

Choros / 2011 / 13 min / HD / Directed by Michael Langan and Terah Maher
Music by Steve Reich

A chorus of women are borne from the movements of a single dancer in this dreamlike "pas de trente-deux."
"Choros" premiered at Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival in 2012 and has gone on to play dozens of festivals worldwide. The film is currently broadcast in Europe by Canal+.

For more information on the history of this technique, visit:

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By Arno Fabre

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Fits theses moodes:
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Screenshot of Dropper01
Copyright: Arno Fabre

Sound installation from Arno Fabre - 2003 / 2006.

Eight percussion instruments – a cymbal, a timpani, a lithophone, a piece of wood, a red rubber band, a tagine cooking vessel, three marimba blades and eight flower pots are laid out in a circle and hanging in semi-darkness. Attached to the ceiling right above them, a network of cables and pipes is connected to a machine filled with water and composed of 24 drippers. Controlled by a computer playing a digital sheet music (Midi file, read by the software Max/MSP), the machine causes the water to drip on the percussion items hanging just below. The water drops fall as dictated by the music score, creating a real musical composition for water drops. The acoustic sounds produced by the percussion tools are amplified and broadcast through four loud speakers. There is no sound processing, or playing of recorded music, but only the sound of the impact of the drops. The water gradually fills up buckets as the music plays, and for sure, at some point, the buckets will have to be emptied.

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By jeongho.park

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Screenshot of Boxes
Copyright: jeongho.park

Boxes by Jeongho Park. Boxes influenced by other boxes. So the theme of the box is changed into the same theme like media phenomenon.

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Screenshot of Piano Migrations Installation
Copyright: Kathy Hinde

Installation by Kathy Hinde

"The inside of an old upright piano, rescued from destruction, is transformed into a kinetic sound sculpture. Video projections move across the surface of the piano strings, triggering small machines to twitch and flutter causing the strings to resonate. The video is visually akin to a musical score or piano roll, and this installation can also become the site for a live performance.
The video is analysed by a MaxMSP patch which divides the screen into a 5x5 grid to correspond to the motors and solenoids which are also arranged in a 5x5 grid on the piano. Movement or any change sensed in the video triggers a device in the corresponding square of the grid - the result is that the fluttering and movement of a bird triggers a device closest to it on the piano.
MaxMSP programming by Matthew Olden
First created in 2008, this new version commissioned by Lumin, May 2010 for Concrete and Glass Festival, 20 Hoxton Square Gallery, London"

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Hydro-Acoustic Study

By Paul Prudence

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Screenshot of Hydro-Acoustic Study
Copyright: Paul Prudence

Hydro-Acoustic Study [excerpt] by Paul Prudence.

Hydro-Acoustic Study [also known as Bioacoustic Study] was commissioned by Optofonica, Amsterdam. In a sonic ecosystem, a hydrological narrative unfolds in relation to the development of specific audio modulations.

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