video performance

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Screenshot of Lumière II Version 2.1
Copyright: Robert Henke

Audiovisual Composition, Laser Projection:
Lumière II Version 2.1 by Robert Henke

"Lumière is an audiovisual composition for lasers and sound. The building blocks of the piece are a new type of events, a compound of visual shapes and a sonic counterparts. The work is based on hundreds of these audiovisual 'notes', to create a previously unseen and highly synchronized immersive experience. The lasers project on a large screen, partially obscured by a wall of fog, which also makes the intensive beams of light visible in the air, connecting the lasers in the back of the room with the front, forming fragile temporary objects above the audience. The special quality of the laser light allows to combine complete darkness with moments of extreme brightness, pure white with intense saturated colors and precise movements with complex organic shapes.

Lumière is a long term artistic research project, exploring syntax, meaning and narration within a newly developed audiovisual language. "

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Screenshot of I Don’t Remember Being Raised Like This
Copyright: gabor papp

"I Don’t Remember Being Raised Like This"
by The Symptoms performance collective.

Creator-performers: Réka Szabó, Emese Cuhorka, István Gőz, Dániel Szász
Light and space: Attila Szirtes
Costume: Edit Szűcs
Visual design, interactive technology: Gábor Karcis, Zsolt Korai, Gábor Papp
Video: Gáspár Hajdu, Zoltán Csík-Kovács, Attila Zérczi
Special thanks: Gábor Botond Barna, Bence Földesi, Dóra Furulyás

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Screenshot of 染色体 C2 / Chromosome C2
Copyright: UFO Media Lab

染色体 C2 / Chromosome C2 by UFO Media Lab.

"In a sealing space constituted by elastic cloth, several dancers are doing the body language performance. Their behavior, which is fused as the carrier of life material information, are making the invisible and unsteady variation status inside the organism to be externalized via the gestures and movements of their performance. Being projected on elastic cloth, the lights"

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By Genelabo

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Screenshot of Projektionsradl
Copyright: Genelabo

Projektionsradl by Genelabo at G-Freinacht, Munich, Germany 2013

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By [IP] Jakub Lech

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Screenshot of dIP
Copyright: [IP] Jakub Lech

dIP by Bogumił Misala and Jakub Lech - WRO Media Art Biennale 2013

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Screenshot of And All the Question Marks Started to Sing
Copyright: FuturePerfect

"All the Question Marks Started to Sing" a new work by the Norwegian art collective Verdensteatret, was the opening event of FuturePerfect 2011.

FuturePerfect is new performance, media, art and technology initiative founded by Wayne Ashley, the former Director of Arts in Multimedia at Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM).

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