video art

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By Yoko Yuki

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Screenshot of BARIKAN
Copyright: Yoko Yuki

BARIKAN by Yoko Yuki.

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Screenshot of 320° LICHT  at Gasometer Oberhausen

320° LICHT at Gasometer Oberhausen by URBANSCREEN.

"....a fascinating game with shapes and light. - Within a radius of 320 degrees graphic patterns grow and change on the 100-metre high inside wall of the Gasometer [Oberhausen, Germany].
The observer experiences the interplay between real and virtual space, in which the Gasometer seems to dissolve into its own, filigree structures and yet finally always reverts to its clear shape..."

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Screenshot of Life Forms - a tribute to the scientist and artist Ernst Haeckel
Copyright: Antoine Presles

Life Forms - a tribute to the scientist and artist Ernst Haeckel. Direction : Thomas Lelouch / Antoine Presles. Music : Yom and Wang Li " rings ", from "Green Apocalypse"

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Drøp feat. Fax - Transition

By Andrea Familari /// FAX

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Screenshot of Drøp feat. Fax - Transition
Copyright: Andrea Familari /// FAX

Drøp feat. Fax - Transition by Andrea Familari /// FAX

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After Ghostcatching

By OpenEndedGroup

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Screenshot of After Ghostcatching
Copyright: OpenEndedGroup

Excerpts from 3D installation of After Ghostcatching by OpenEndedGroup with Bill T. Jones (2010).

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Das Lichtquant

By Laurent La Torpille

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Screenshot of Das Lichtquant
Copyright: Laurent La Torpille

Das Lichtquant by Laurent La Torpille

Installation arts numériques / Création 2013
X-Light / nuitnumérique #10 / Centre Culturel Saint-Exupéry / Reims

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By Steven Subotnick

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Screenshot of Two
Copyright: Steven Subotnick

Two by Steven Subotnick

A dialog between a pair of gestural ink abstractions.

Direction, production, animation: Steven Subotnick.
Music: File Under Toner, Lee Maddeford, MiaMia, Garth Knox, Fiendish Fib, Astroboiler.

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