video art

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à la fin…

By nicolas lichtle

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Screenshot of à la fin…
Copyright: nicolas lichtle

à la fin… by Nicolas Lichtle.

"Here is a film ... , it's neither fiction nor animation, the graphic style is rather singular. It's a moment of introspection, very intimate, staged through a succession of small moments imbued with poetry, absurdity and sometimes surrealism…"

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Super Gab

By Philip Evans

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Fits theses moodes:
Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Super Gab
Copyright: Philip Evans

Super Gab by Philip Evans

"...Starring Gabriel Viking

Shot completely on Super 8 film (Kodak tri-x & Ektachrome) and painted afterwards...."

Music: Terry Riley, A Rainbow in Curved Air. (excerpt)

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Screenshot of Order from Chaos - Official Video by Maxime Causeret
Copyright: Max Cooper

Max Cooper - Order from Chaos - Official Video by Maxime Causeret

"I'm really excited about this video project, after the first live show it was the part that everyone was asking about - It is a beautiful humanised exploration of life and emergence, by Maxime Causeret. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

The idea for this part of the story started on a day when there was really heavy rain hitting the roof window at my old flat. I got out my binaural mics and put my head right up by the window with the big raindrops hitting all around. They made nice individual percussive noises, with great spatial positioning, so I decided to use them to seed a piece of music.

This track is the most explicit representation of the idea of emergence in the album, because the rhythm of the track is created by the raindrops in an emergent manner - I took the audio samples, mapped the transients for the raindrop hits, and then forced the mapped points towards the nearest drumming grid positions. This meant that the random raindrops were pushed into a quantised grid, and the result was that a percussive rhythm emerged, one that I hadn't created myself, but was the closest rhythm to that particular section of rain.…"

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Screenshot of DoorDream (a lockdown film)
Copyright: Will Dohrn

DoorDream by Will Dohrn

"Shot during lockdown 1 and late 2019, ignored during lockdown 2 and edited during lockdown 3.

Inspired by passing neighbours and the work of Chris Cunningham.

25th anniversary fan vignette to Aphex Twin’s Yellow Calx. Shot on an iPhone 8 with Filmic Pro using a custom engineered door peep hole lens mount made by Ratworks Engineering."

Shot and edited by Will Dohrn
Music - Aphex Twin - Yellow Calx

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The Fishman

By Leto S. Meade

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Screenshot of The Fishman
Copyright: Leto S. Meade

The Fishman by Leto S. Meade

"The journey of a dying fish’s last moments. 'The Fishman' formally embodies the transitory, shapeshifting nature of life and the inevitability of change by plunging its disembodied anthropomorphic protagonist between different mediums and styles."

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By Films.Dance

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Screenshot of DisInteGrated
Copyright: Films.Dance

DisInteGrated by Wade Robson and Tony Testa

"A mind-bending meditation of movement and sound, on letting go of what was and surrendering to what is.

Filmed in Maui, Hawaii
Directed, Choreographed & Edited By: Wade Robson and Tony Testa
Featuring: Tony Testa
Music composed, performed and produced by Zara McFarlane
Cinematography By: Wade Robson
Title Animation By: Laurence Muleh
Assistant to the Choreographers: Cody Bingham
Music Mix & Mastered By: Ed West
Colorist: Will Adashek
Re-Integrators: Amanda and Koa Robson
Featured Songs: Asunder, Disintegrated. Emotif, Grit, Receive, Nya"

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Vienna Hit

By Anna Vasof

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Screenshot of Vienna Hit
Copyright: Anna Vasof

Vienna Hit by Anna Vasof

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