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By Evelyn Jane Ross

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Screenshot of Looped
Copyright: Evelyn Jane Ross

Looped by Evelyn Jane Ross

"Keeping calm...."

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By Fela & Etienne

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Screenshot of Hypertrain
Copyright: Fela & Etienne

Hypertrain by Etienne Kompis and Fela Bellotto,

"On a train trip through spatial and temporal dimensions the traveller suddenly comes across himself. #cat"

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By Lucija Mrzljak

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Screenshot of Kut
Copyright: Lucija Mrzljak

Kut by Lucija Mrzljak

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The Kiosk

By Anete Melece

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Screenshot of The Kiosk
Copyright: Anete Melece

The Kiosk by Anete Melece

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Feather to Fire

By Gregory Colbert

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Screenshot of Feather to Fire
Copyright: Gregory Colbert

Feather to Fire by Gregory Colbert

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Screenshot of Technological Dream Series: No. 1, Robots
Copyright: dunne & raby

Technological Dream Series: No. 1, Robots
by dunne & raby

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By Páraic Mc Gloughlin

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Screenshot of Chase
Copyright: Páraic Mc Gloughlin

Chase by Páraic Mc Gloughlin.

"Shot in Ireland and Poland - a journey that explores ideas of decision, choice,consequence,circumstance and time among other things, a personal perception on how we try to find whatever it is we are searching for.The film looks at objects,people,and places which share common properties,our connection with one another and our environments in the very similar yet very different paths we share.

This project became a little obsession of mine:)

Thanks Dad,Kevin Mc Gloughlin,Pearse Mc Gloughlin and Jaroslaw Klups for all the help,and input..cheers:)"

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