short movie

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Fits theses moodes:
Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Frühzug (Morning Train)
Copyright: Delia Hess

Frühzug by Delia Hess.

"After spending the night together, a couple parts ways. Guided by the activities of the man's morning rituals, she travels into a dream accompanied by the rhythms of the morning train and finds herself alone once again."

direction: Hess Delia
music: Joan & The Sailors
sounddesign: Christof Steinmann, Thomas Gassmann
production: HSLU Design + Kunst, Studienbereich Animation, François Chalet
co-production: Swiss Radio and Television, Catherine Ann Berger

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of HOBBY - an Adobe Pocket Film
Copyright: Colin Read

HOBBY - an Adobe Pocket Film by Colin Read

"A short film about the new hobbies we started while locked down over the past year, in a search for fulfillment…and their failures."

A Pocket Film by Colin Read (commissioned by Adobe for their Pocket Film Series)
Starring: Dylan Kammerer
& Dog-starring: Sevy, Clubber, & Abba
Key Human: Andy Maso
Art Director: Charlie Turner
Score: Sam Perkin
Sound Editing: Rafael Chaves
Colorist: Fergus McCall @ The Mill
Shot on iPhone
& DJI OM 4
Produced by SEA COW

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Critical Living

By Alex Widdowson

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Screenshot of Critical Living
Copyright: Alex Widdowson

Critical Living by Alex Widdowson

"Critical Living draws upon the experiences of people involved in the Philadelphia Association therapeutic communities while also addressing some of the major discussion points in the Critical Psychiatry movement.

Critical Psychiatry, formally known as Anti-Psychiatry, has been scrutinising the dominant medical understanding of distress for over 50 years. It’s leading members were a disparate bunch that included R. D. Laing and David Cooper, both disillusioned psychiatrists and co-founders of the Philadelphia Association, as well as the renowned philosopher Michel Foucault, the libertarian Thomas Szasz, and Erving Goffman a sociologist.

Since creating a therapeutic community at Kingsley Hall in 1965, the Philadelphia Association has run more than twenty community houses which have offered asylum and hospitality to people in distress. This work continues at two houses in North London.

The experience of fifty years has shown that personal crises and seemingly inescapable unhappiness may for many people be transformed in households like these. They are places where people can come together to address their difficulties in a situation of shared everyday living."

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By Jeong Dahee

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Screenshot of MAN ON THE CHAIR
Copyright: Jeong Dahee

MAN ON THE CHAIR by Jeong Dahee

“Man on the chair” is tormented and constantly doubts his very own existence. It is just merely a picture that I created... Perhaps could I be also an image crafted by others?

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Genius Loci

By Kazak Productions

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Screenshot of Genius Loci
Copyright: Kazak Productions

Genius Loci by Kazak Productions

"One night, Reine, a young loner, sees within the urban chaos a mystical oneness that seems alive, like some sort of guide."

2D paper animation. 

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Screenshot of DoorDream (a lockdown film)
Copyright: Will Dohrn

DoorDream by Will Dohrn

"Shot during lockdown 1 and late 2019, ignored during lockdown 2 and edited during lockdown 3.

Inspired by passing neighbours and the work of Chris Cunningham.

25th anniversary fan vignette to Aphex Twin’s Yellow Calx. Shot on an iPhone 8 with Filmic Pro using a custom engineered door peep hole lens mount made by Ratworks Engineering."

Shot and edited by Will Dohrn
Music - Aphex Twin - Yellow Calx

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The Fishman

By Leto S. Meade

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Screenshot of The Fishman
Copyright: Leto S. Meade

The Fishman by Leto S. Meade

"The journey of a dying fish’s last moments. 'The Fishman' formally embodies the transitory, shapeshifting nature of life and the inevitability of change by plunging its disembodied anthropomorphic protagonist between different mediums and styles."

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