short movie

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By Prawta Annez

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Screenshot of TOWELS
Copyright: Prawta Annez

TOWELS by Prawta Annez

Territory can be claimed in many different ways, be it borders or walls.
In summer, however, it's towels.

"Designed and written during the tense political climate of 2017, with the beginning of Brexit and Trump's inauguration, this short was a way to express my inner frustrations and reflections at the time.
However, it is interesting that there may be some parallels to our current situation in 2020.

I hope this short can be 4 minutes of fun and escapism for anyone who watches it, no matter where they may be or whatever they may be going through." - Prawta A.

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By Anna Katalin Lovrity

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Screenshot of VOLCANO ISLAND
Copyright: Anna Katalin Lovrity

Written, Designed & Directed: Anna Katalin Lovrity

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Getting Started

By William J Crook

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Screenshot of Getting Started
Copyright: William J Crook

Getting Started by William J Crook

"Feeling frenetic, frustrated, ecstatic, distracted, it's all part of getting started."

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El Mago Georges

By Kati Egely

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Screenshot of El Mago Georges
Copyright: Kati Egely

El Mago Georges by Kati Egely

"We aren't only created with free will, but also with responsibility. The responsibility to listen to our gut feelings, follow our intuition, the wise part of us. According to the old definition, a magician is a wise person. So we can all be magicians if we are brave enough."

direction/ animation/ edition/ design/ photography: Kati Egely
music: Chancha Vía Circuito & El Búho
sound: Pedro Canale
color correction: Pablo Padovani

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La mer à boire

By Charlotte Arene

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Screenshot of La mer à boire
Copyright: Charlotte Arene

La mer à boire by Charlotte Arene

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Quick Fix

By Chris O'Hara

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Screenshot of Quick Fix
Copyright: Chris O'Hara

Quick Fix by Chris O'Hara

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About a Mother (Pro Mamu)

By Dina Velikovskaya

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of About a Mother (Pro Mamu)
Copyright: Dina Velikovskaya

About a Mother (Pro Mamu) by Dina Velikovskaya

"This story is about a mother who has given so much that it looks like she has nothing left... but life opens up the new opportunities."

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