projection mapping

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Screenshot of Heartcorps: Riders of the Storyboard.
Copyright: a dandypunk

Heartcorps: Riders of the Storyboard. A live, immersive installation at Sundance New Frontier 2017
Trailer for a live, immersive installation at Sundance New Frontier 2017 by Dandypunk, Darin Basile and Jo Cattell

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Hidden in Plain Sight

By Michelle Hessel

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Screenshot of Hidden in Plain Sight
Copyright: Michelle Hessel

Hidden in Plain Sight by Michelle Hessel

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Screenshot of Mixed Reality - THEORIZ - RnD test 002
Copyright: THÉORIZ

Mixed Reality - THEORIZ - RnD test 002


"Second test of our currently in research and development technology for audiovisual production, using in house tracking system (Augmenta) and Vive VR tracking technologies with real time video and projection mapping in space."

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Screenshot of A JOURNEY : SEOUL - Design Process
Copyright: Mimi Son

A JOURNEY : SEOUL - Design Process

by Mimi So

"Ongoing project :
testing projection mapping with "Journey" prototype box. ..."

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Homeless by vjsuave

By Cecilia Soloaga

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Screenshot of Homeless by vjsuave
Copyright: Cecilia Soloaga

Homeless by

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Screenshot of SWEATSHOPPE Video Painting Europe

SWEATSHOPPE Video Painting Europe

New media art duo SWEATSHOPPE aka Blake Shaw and Bruno Levy

"Video painting is a technology the duo developed that allows them to create the illusion that they are painting videos onto walls with electronic paint rollers they built. It works through custom software that they wrote that tracks the position of the paint rollers and projects video wherever they choose to paint, allowing them to explore the relationship between video, mark making and architecture and create live video collages in real time."

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FLORA light installation

By Philipp Artus

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Screenshot of FLORA light installation
Copyright: Philipp Artus

FLORA light installation by Philipp Artus

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