FLORA at the Valley of Confusion
By Philipp Artus
FLORA at the Valley of Confusion by Philipp Artus
FLORA light installation by Philipp Artus philippartus.com/flora
Music by Jim Cassady & Pablo soundcloud.com/jimcassady
Space and vibe by Tal der Verwirrung talderverwirrung.de/
Homeless by vjsuave
By Cecilia Soloaga
Homeless by vjsuave.com
SWEATSHOPPE Video Painting Europe
SWEATSHOPPE Video Painting Europe
New media art duo SWEATSHOPPE aka Blake Shaw and Bruno Levy
"Video painting is a technology the duo developed that allows them to create the illusion that they are painting videos onto walls with electronic paint rollers they built. It works through custom software that they wrote that tracks the position of the paint rollers and projects video wherever they choose to paint, allowing them to explore the relationship between video, mark making and architecture and create live video collages in real time."
Loplite, interactive light drawing
By Digitalarti
Loplite, an interactive light drawing installation Event by Digitalarti
Mécaniques Discursives
By Yannick Jacquet (Legoman)
Mécaniques Discursives at Semaine Digitale Bordeaux 2016 by AntiVJ
Gallery Invasion
By Skullmapping
Gallery Invasion by Skullmapping
The Story Box
By a dandypunk
The Story Box - Le Plus Grand Cabaret du Monde
Performed by Ekenah Claudin
Created by a dandypunk with Flippingmonk
Also performed by Terry Kvasnik and Stephan Choiniere
Music by Kvasnik.cz