music video

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By Kati Egely

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Screenshot of Euphoria/Alegría
Copyright: Kati Egely

by Kati Egely

Music: Chancha via Circuito - bienaventuranza, Wonderful Recordings 2013

"The subject of my work is the old paradox between man and nature. People had long ago cut themselves off of their natural environment and have suffered since from this division, the lack of the essential feeling of unity and belonging. .... "

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Lil Buck: Aria

By The Amoveo Company

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Screenshot of Lil Buck: Aria
Copyright: The Amoveo Company

“Aria” with lil Buck

Directed by Benjamin Millepied
Produced by Dimitri Chamblas
Music Laurent Millepied
2012/Los Angeles

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Screenshot of Son Lux: Change Is Everything (Official Music Video)
Copyright: Nathan Johnson

Son Lux: Change Is Everything (Official Music Video)
by Nathan Johnson

Nathan Johnson: Director
Katie Chastain: Animator
Marke Johnson: Production Designer

A handmade, rotoscoped stop-motion video using 200 push pins and 500 feet of rubberized thread.

Making of video:
Interview with Director's Notes about the process:

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Renata Zeiguer | Wayside

By Angela Stempel

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Screenshot of Renata Zeiguer | Wayside
Copyright: Angela Stempel
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Toto Bona Lokua

By Katy Wang

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Screenshot of Toto Bona Lokua
Copyright: Katy Wang

Toto Bona Lokua - Ma Mama (Official Music Video)
by Katy Wang

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Screenshot of John the Hairy Frog Ep.1 (2017)
Copyright: Luiz Stockler

John the Hairy Frog Ep.1 (2017)
by Luiz Stockler

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Zoë Mc Pherson - Inouï (and free)
Copyright: Alessandra Leone

Zoë Mc Pherson - Inouï (and free)
by Alessandra Leone

Inouï (and free), chapter vi. of String Figures audiovisual album

Direction - Alessandra Leone
Concept and music - Zoë Mc Pherson
3D Animation - Andreas Barden
DoP - Julian Moser
Mastering - Rashad Becker
Produced by Zoë Mc Pherson

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