Une Mission Ephemere
By Paracelso Zeppelin
Piotr Kamler - Une Mission Ephemere 1993
"Kamler's animated cinema suggests a singular variety of science fiction. Completely unalike to more conventionally linear and text-based narratives, Kamler's films instead explore a series of dynamic visual motifs. Typically, the conclusion of these films is less suggestive of resolution, than it is of recurring episode."
THE VOID by Tundra, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
By Simon Pyke / Freefarm
Ghost by Thomas Traum and Tim Gfrerer; music by Simon Pyke
By Max Estrella
Waves: An Installation by Daniel Canogar.
Fractal Flowers
By Miguel Chevalie
Fractal Flowers 2011 by Miguel Chevalier
Installation de réalité virtuelle générative et interactive
Festival La Novela, Musée d'art Moderne et
Contemporain - Les Abattoirs, Toulouse
3 vidéoprojecteur, 1 PC, 1 caméra infrarouge
33 x 7,50 m
Das Lichtquant
By Laurent La Torpille
Das Lichtquant by Laurent La Torpille
Installation arts numériques / Création 2013
X-Light / nuitnumérique #10 / Centre Culturel Saint-Exupéry / Reims
B/SIDE - Interactive digital artwork for the City of Braga
By Joao Martinho Moura
B/SIDE - Interactive digital artwork for the City of Braga by João Martinho Moura