THE VOID by Tundra, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Hakanai by Adrien M / Claire B at TEMPS D'IMAGES
Hakanaï is a haiku dance performance taking place in a cube of moving images projected live by a digital performer.
Das Lichtquant
By Laurent La Torpille
Das Lichtquant by Laurent La Torpille
Installation arts numériques / Création 2013
X-Light / nuitnumérique #10 / Centre Culturel Saint-Exupéry / Reims
By Nikita Tsymbal
PH(R)ASE by Asymmetrique Answer performance group
By Genelabo
Projektionsradl by Genelabo at G-Freinacht, Munich, Germany 2013
a plaything for the great observers at rest by Norimichi Hirakawa.
Aarhus by Light
By Tobias Ebsen
Aarhus by Light.
"Concert Hall Aarhus, one of the largest in Europe, was home for a new interactive media facade that invited guests and passers-by to encounter and partake in a new dimension of the renowned cultural institution.
Aarhus by Light was active in the months of February and March, 2008. The project has now ended, but the idea of using of media facades to enrich Concert Hall Aarhus, as well as the rest of Aarhus, lives on. We maintain this website to offer information in the project.
Aarhus by Light is a groundbreaking experiment in media facades. The project is a collaboration between Concert Hall Aarhus, Martin Professional A/S, CAVI at the University of Aarhus, and Wall of Pixels."