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Screenshot of 7.0

7.0 by (Alexander LETSIUS / Kristina KARPYSHEVA) [Russia]

"Audio visual installation with sound and seven spinning motorized laser mounted on rotating bars. As the bars spin, the straight-line laser beams spread into a cylinder and cone-shaped sculptures. The inclination and position of the laser changes the geometry. "

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Screenshot of WINDLICHT by Roosegaarde [OFFICIAL MOVIE]
Copyright: Studio Roosegaarde

WINDLICHT by Roosegaarde

"WINDLICHT ... shows the beauty of green energy by connecting windmill blades with lines of light. Special software and tracking technology detect the windmill blades rotating at 280 kilometres per hour. Visitors can tune into radio canal WINDLICHT FM 105.3 FM to hear the stories behind the artwork. WINDLICHT creates the missing link between the Dutch and the beauty of our new landscape."

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Screenshot of Lumière II Version 2.1
Copyright: Robert Henke

Audiovisual Composition, Laser Projection:
Lumière II Version 2.1 by Robert Henke

"Lumière is an audiovisual composition for lasers and sound. The building blocks of the piece are a new type of events, a compound of visual shapes and a sonic counterparts. The work is based on hundreds of these audiovisual 'notes', to create a previously unseen and highly synchronized immersive experience. The lasers project on a large screen, partially obscured by a wall of fog, which also makes the intensive beams of light visible in the air, connecting the lasers in the back of the room with the front, forming fragile temporary objects above the audience. The special quality of the laser light allows to combine complete darkness with moments of extreme brightness, pure white with intense saturated colors and precise movements with complex organic shapes.

Lumière is a long term artistic research project, exploring syntax, meaning and narration within a newly developed audiovisual language. "

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Lumière 6

By Robert Henk

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Screenshot of Lumière 6
Copyright: Robert Henk

Lumière 6 Excerpt I by Robert Henk live at Donaufestival in Krems, Austria.

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snail trail

By Philipp Artus

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Screenshot of snail trail
Copyright: Philipp Artus

snail trail by Philipp Artus.

A snail invents the wheel and goes through a cultural evolution to finally get back to its origin.

"A laser animation is projected at an angle of 360° onto a column, so that the audience has to walk around to follow the course of the snail. The projection surface is of a phosphorescent material, which creates an after-glowing trail that fades out slowly."

Idea, animation, object: Philipp Artus
Music: Madalena Graça

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