installation art

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By Vincent Houze

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Screenshot of lull
Copyright: Vincent Houze

lull by Vincent Houze, Stephen Baker and David Bianciardi
"... an immersive and contemplative installation that explores the liminal state between conscious and unconscious."

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Screenshot of Lumière II Version 2.1
Copyright: Robert Henke

Audiovisual Composition, Laser Projection:
Lumière II Version 2.1 by Robert Henke

"Lumière is an audiovisual composition for lasers and sound. The building blocks of the piece are a new type of events, a compound of visual shapes and a sonic counterparts. The work is based on hundreds of these audiovisual 'notes', to create a previously unseen and highly synchronized immersive experience. The lasers project on a large screen, partially obscured by a wall of fog, which also makes the intensive beams of light visible in the air, connecting the lasers in the back of the room with the front, forming fragile temporary objects above the audience. The special quality of the laser light allows to combine complete darkness with moments of extreme brightness, pure white with intense saturated colors and precise movements with complex organic shapes.

Lumière is a long term artistic research project, exploring syntax, meaning and narration within a newly developed audiovisual language. "

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Screenshot of Folclore Digital by vjsuave
Copyright: vjsuave

Folclore Digital by vjsuave

"O projeto propõe um mergulho nas lendas do folclore brasileiro utilizando elementos tecnológicos multimídia."

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Screenshot of "Tiny People Tribe", Gallery Installation, Seoul,
Copyright: Motomichi Studio

"Tiny People Tribe", Gallery Installation, Seoul, South Korea
by Motomichi Studio

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Screenshot of NEW MOON: an interactive moon sculpture
Copyright: Caitlind r.c. Brown

NEW MOON: an interactive moon sculpture by Caitlind r.c. Brown & Wayne Garrett

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By Tatiana Plakhova

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Copyright: Tatiana Plakhova


"Spatio-Graphical Interactive Installation"

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VLES light installation

By inty friendly interactions

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Screenshot of VLES light installation
Copyright: inty friendly interactions

VLES light installation by inty friendly interactions.

"Installation offers the viewer to feel the atmosphere of the mystical forest and meet its inhabitants, by moving the light beam through the panoramic visual surface."

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