Dia Internacional Anti-Bullying - 20 de Outubro
By Joao Martinho Moura
Digital Art / Visual Poetry / Video Art:
Associação Anti-Bullying com Crianças/Jovens. Dia Internacional Anti-Bullying - 20 de Outubro
iniciativa: Paulo Costa
figurantes: Lara Caldas, David Esteves, Gabriela Araujo. Paula Costa,Daniela Costa, Paulo Costa, Claudina Freitas, Sofia lopes, Susana lopes
arte digital : João Martinho Moura (YMYI artwork, 2007)
música: Martinho Moura
BitPixel + ScoreGenerator
By JH Park
BitPixel + ScoreGenerator (Prototype) by JH Park
Dear World… Yours, Cambridge
By Claude Mossessian
Projection Art, Video Mapping: Dear World… Yours, Cambridge by Miguel CHEVALIER
Immersive projection
King's College Chapel, Cambridge, 17th October 2015
Performer : Diego Espinosa
Generative Visuals : Maotik maotik.com
Composer : David Adamcyk / Diego Espinosa
Video Footages : Sebastien Roy / Guillaume Langlois
Line Synth prototype
By jeongho.park
Line Synth prototype by jeongho.park
CONTACT: Augmented Acoustics
By Felix Faire
CONTACT: Augmented Acoustics by Felix Faire
"CONTACT is a tangible audio interface to manipulate and visualize sounds generated from interaction with a simple wooden surface.
Any physical contact with the table generates acoustic vibrations which are manipulated and visualized LIVE as they occur using several communicating pieces of software."
By casey farina
Douglas Nottingham, Joe Perez, and Robert Esler: Percussion
Black = Sound
White = Silence
"Force.Line.Border. is an animated graphic score for a trio of indeterminate instrumentation. This work is the latest in a series of animated graphic scores that builds on the concepts developed by John Cage, Morton Feldman, Cornelius Cardew, and Earle Brown for using abstract visual imagery to define musical events. The animated score is projected into the space and the musicians perform composed improvisations derived from their interpretation of the image. Each of the performers is responsible for one third of the frame as the piece gradually shifts between solo phrases and ensemble statements."