electroacoustic music

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Spiral - 360° Panorama
Copyright: DEFRAME

Spiral - 360° Panorama by DEFRAME Collective at Oddstream Festival 2011 NL.

Carolien Teunisse [Lucidlien] - visuals
Luuk Meuffels [Lume] - visuals
Leon Lubberdink [Dubberdink] - sound design
Robin Koek [Artefakt] - sound design

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Twilight Zone

By Viennaexile

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Screenshot of Twilight Zone
Copyright: Viennaexile

Twilight Zone Ruhrlights 2010 opening performance by Klaus Obermaier.

"the concept of ... (here and now)" - second part of the opening of the light art festival RUHRLIGHTS: Twilight Zone, in Duisburg, Germany - 24th September 2010. Part of European Capital of Culture.
Dance: Barbara Autiero and Sara De Santis.

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By Monica Botkay

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Fits theses moodes:
Screenshot of NDT II
Copyright: Monica Botkay

Choreography by Jiri Kylian with the Nederlands Dans Theater: NDT II Jiri Kylian 27'52" with with Nina Botkay, Kenta Kojiri and Ivan Perez

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Screenshot of Holistic Strata
Copyright: YCAM
License: S20 Hiroaki Umeda

Holistic Strata by Hiroaki Umeda

"Holistic Strata is a YCAM (Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media) original production developed with the Center's expert staff during the artist's stay in Yamaguchi, with the aim to break new ground in the filed of body expression integrating media technology....
Based on his own set designs mixing imagery and sound, Hiroaki Umeda equivalently combines in his pieces elements of light, sound, and the human body....
Look forward to a novel type of performance that will rock your body senses and challenge your perception."

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By goandsee123 goandsee123

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Screenshot of DELUSION
Copyright: goandsee123 goandsee123

DELUSION - an interactive light #installation by Luo Yu.

DELUSION is an interactive light installation which turns static floating tubes into virtual dynamic objects by using emitted light from projectors and sensors. DELUSION is a research of media arts into the combination between projection mapping and interaction technique.

Projects website: http://delusion.yuluo.de

DELUSION - an interactive light installation

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Curious Creatures

By Jimmy McGilchrist

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Screenshot of Curious Creatures
Copyright: Jimmy McGilchrist

Curious Creatures by Jimmy McGilchrist

"Strange encounters are reported from the festival site as inquisitive and beautiful creatures venture in from the surrounding woods."

Curious Creatures is a large scale augmented reality projection project combining high end animation, sound design, gaming, installation art and electronic music. The work has been designed to reach new audiences in the festival environment. In 2011 Curious Creatures was installed at the Lismore Lantern Parade in Lismore NSW and Splendour in the Grass festival in Woodfordia QLD Australia.

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By stefanie sixt, sixt sense

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of B C H I J
Copyright: stefanie sixt, sixt sense

Audiovisual Live Performance: B C H I J - Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism by Stefanie Sixt (Visuals) and Markus Behr (Sound).

An "...experimental examination of the five biggest communities of faith: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism - taken as examples for religious groups. The piece is an audiovisual observation and an exploration. There is no right or wrong. It is a contemplation, seen from a neutral point of view.
Electronic sound scores are mixed with alienated audio elements such as patterns of religious divinations. Wicked frequencies are the disturbing, irritating factor, not letting the listener lay back.
Abstract 3D Objects are representing the five communities of faith. They are embedded into spherical environments, that are temporarily associating brain wave activities or just evoke emotions, like freedom and restriction, belief and doubt.
The pictures reveal the idea behind the visible, obvious. Physical limitations are dissolved by imaginary structures, constructions of unreal spaces...."

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