digital projections

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By Genelabo

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Screenshot of Projektionsradl
Copyright: Genelabo

Projektionsradl by Genelabo at G-Freinacht, Munich, Germany 2013

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snail trail

By Philipp Artus

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Screenshot of snail trail
Copyright: Philipp Artus

snail trail by Philipp Artus.

A snail invents the wheel and goes through a cultural evolution to finally get back to its origin.

"A laser animation is projected at an angle of 360° onto a column, so that the audience has to walk around to follow the course of the snail. The projection surface is of a phosphorescent material, which creates an after-glowing trail that fades out slowly."

Idea, animation, object: Philipp Artus
Music: Madalena Graça

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Spiral - 360° Panorama
Copyright: DEFRAME

Spiral - 360° Panorama by DEFRAME Collective at Oddstream Festival 2011 NL.

Carolien Teunisse [Lucidlien] - visuals
Luuk Meuffels [Lume] - visuals
Leon Lubberdink [Dubberdink] - sound design
Robin Koek [Artefakt] - sound design

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Twilight Zone

By Viennaexile

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Screenshot of Twilight Zone
Copyright: Viennaexile

Twilight Zone Ruhrlights 2010 opening performance by Klaus Obermaier.

"the concept of ... (here and now)" - second part of the opening of the light art festival RUHRLIGHTS: Twilight Zone, in Duisburg, Germany - 24th September 2010. Part of European Capital of Culture.
Dance: Barbara Autiero and Sara De Santis.

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By Iregular

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Screenshot of FULL MOON
Copyright: Iregular

FULL MOON (Making Of.) – Festival du Nouveau Cinema 2011by Iregular

Interactive installation presented at Festival du Nouveau Cinema 2011 in Montréal.

The Missing Stone

By Yoav David

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Screenshot of The Missing Stone
Copyright: Yoav David

The Missing Stone
by Yoav David & Lior Bentov

"The Missing Stone"* is a story-telling architectural projection performed during the Jerusalem Festival of Lights, June 2011.
As night falls on the market place the Jerusalem building wakes up to life. One man is stranded inside its magic. He is on a search to unravel this mystery, though the bare sight of his own close-up brings him to fear.
What is the missing stone? For us it represents the possibilities of cinematic and theatrical story-telling in the 3d projection mapping world. Exploring them was our aim in this project, and a mile stone for what is yet to come.

Concept: Yoav David & Lior Bentov
Direction: Yoav David
Art direction: Lior Bentov
3D artist: Jonathan Katzman
2D animation: Yoav David
Acting: Yehonathan Porat
Original Music: Alberto Schwartz
Sound design: Aviv Aldema
Equipment: AVS creative visual solutions.
*The original title by the way was "Night Train", but it was actually meant for something else.

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