digital projections

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Screenshot of PATTERN LANGUAGE (midnight moment)
Copyright: Peter Burr

PATTERN LANGUAGE (midnight moment) by Peter Burr

"Pattern Language, built in a video game engine, is a rhythmic, strobing composition in richly patterned black and white. Employing cellular automata and crowd-simulation algorithms, this work envisions human life within a labyrinthine “Dirtscraper” – an inverted, underground skyscraper. Indistinct, nongendered figures in shades of grey walk through endless generative levels of lights and right angles, while others fill the screen with dots that bloom or wilt according to the classic “Game of Life” model developed by mathematician John Conway in 1970. Part of a larger project of the same name that has appeared from Kiev to Berkeley to Amsterdam, this work overtook Times Square in New York City every night in May 2018 as a part of Times Square Arts’ Midnight Moment program. Viewers were immersed in the endless labyrinth which mirrors both the pointillist quality of Times Square’s LED billboards and the patterns we ourselves trace through the megastructure environment of New York City."

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Screenshot of Subterranean Interactions – Part II
Copyright: Klaus Obermaier

Subterranean Interactions – Part II
by Klaus Obermaier

Interactive performance and installation – live light painting
with Klaus Obermaier's multimedia master students,
Babes-Bolyai-University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
at the catacombs of Art Museum Cluj – November 2017
Adelina Bulibasa, Vlad Colciar, Adrian Ganea (music), Madalina Manzat, Lucian Matei, Bogdan Olaru (performance), Alexandra Sucioaia
coordinating professor: Rodica Mocan

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Screenshot of Art to Architecture to Art Clip
Copyright: Spirit of Space

Art to Architecture to Art Clip
by Spirit of Space

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Screenshot of DENTIFY (Part 5 of DELETE)
Copyright: Iregular

IDENTIFY (Part 5 of DELETE) - Montreal, Canada
by Iregular

"IDENTIFY is an interactive installation conceived for DELETE, an immersive, site-specific, 4 room interactive experience for audiences from 8 to 12 years old.

A mirror on front of a mirror on front of a mirror. IDENTIFY is about looking at your virtual self, one of the multiple profiles you create online and reflects if that is really you or some one else.

Using video feedback the audience is multiplied to infinity. The feedback is manipulated with a custom software that allows for some repetitions to disconnect from the person.

On front of the projection mirror is a real mirror, reflecting the virtual infinity created by the video feedback on front of it."

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Copyright: Rimiyoho


"Rimiyoho was invited by Culture & Technology Festival to perform at San Pablo Cultural Center in Oaxaca collaborating with dancer Javier Moreno, textile designer Itzel Gutierrez and Dj Jesús Pacheco to create an audiovisual experience for the festival opening. "

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