digital performance

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Screenshot of audiovisual performance - Klaus Obermaier
Copyright: Klaus Obermaier

FACELESS_VOICELESS - interactive audiovisual performance
by Klaus Obermaier

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Screenshot of Subterranean Interactions – Part II
Copyright: Klaus Obermaier

Subterranean Interactions – Part II
by Klaus Obermaier

Interactive performance and installation – live light painting
with Klaus Obermaier's multimedia master students,
Babes-Bolyai-University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
at the catacombs of Art Museum Cluj – November 2017
Adelina Bulibasa, Vlad Colciar, Adrian Ganea (music), Madalina Manzat, Lucian Matei, Bogdan Olaru (performance), Alexandra Sucioaia
coordinating professor: Rodica Mocan

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By Rimiyoho

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Screenshot of NAUTILUS
Copyright: Rimiyoho

NAUTILUS by Rimiyoho

"NAUTILUS is a journey into the depths of a colorful sea.
We can see how each stroke is generated bringing to life a jellyfish in an underwater landscape.
Live illustration and animation using Tagtool for iPad.
Rimiyoho is a project by visual artist Fernando Sica focused on live performance.
Music by Johnny Ripper, Song: klātu - bronze (johnny ripper remix)"

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Koronis - Weave

By Koronis

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Screenshot of Koronis - Weave
Copyright: Koronis

Koronis - Weave (Motion Capture by Tobias Gremmler)

Koronis (Music)
Tobias Gremmler (Motion Capture)

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The Patton

By Ofir_matos

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Screenshot of The Patton
Copyright: Ofir_matos

The Patton
by Ofir Matos

"My graduation project at Bezalel academy of art and design.
The Patton is an app to play music, it doesn't matter if you know how.
Built in classic animation.
animation/ux design/ui design - Ofir Matos
programming/ sound design - Itai Matos"

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Intensional Particle

By S20 Hiroaki Umeda

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Screenshot of Intensional Particle
Copyright: S20 Hiroaki Umeda

Intensional Particle - short by S20 Hiroaki Umeda

Choreography & Dance: Hiroaki Umeda
Image Direction: S20
Visual Research: Ludovic Burczykowski
Image Programming: Shoya Dozono
Video Editing: Guillaume Gravier
Sound & Lighting Design: S20

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