digital interactions

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Short Circuit

By Marcus Graf

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Screenshot of Short Circuit
Copyright: Marcus Graf

Short Circuit by Marcus Graf & Jérôme Meyer.

Premiere of Short Circuit, a video & dance combination recorded at Korzo5Hoog, The Hague, Netherlands, on the 29 October 2009.

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Screenshot of Interactive Window Projection
Copyright: NuFormer

Interactive Window Projection by NuFormer. Zierikzee, Netherlands - June 2013

This projection technology transforms any (shopping) window into a huge video screen. Moving objects and people in front of the screen are tracked to create exciting interaction. All content can be custom-made for any product, project and purpose.

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By Pedro Deltell - Lemon Face Films

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Screenshot of EncuadrArte
Copyright: Pedro Deltell - Lemon Face Films

EncuadrArte by Pedro Deltell

BI-MA Interactive Installation for the Artdemossa. TorpeDeArte Collective.

El 24 de Julio en el Artdemossa durante las fiestas de Valdemossa Oigovisiones Team montó una fiesta-pipote con 5 proyectores reciclados, un par de cámaras, 8 ordenadores y una triplehead2go. ¡Este es el resultado!

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By elektropastete

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Screenshot of Elektropastete
Copyright: elektropastete

Interactive Installation by Stefanie Greimel - Elektropastete

Presented at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE Berlin

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By Adrien M / Claire B



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Screenshot of Greifpendel
Copyright: ART+COM

Kinetic Installation "Greifpendel" by ART+COM.

"The eight-metre high installation consists of three pendulum arms suspended in parallel, each of which carries 12 inward and outward-facing monitors. The screens show virtual hands which interact with each other from one screen to another. Virtual movement is transformed into real movement as the pendulums begin to swing when the hands push the pendulum."

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