digital interactions

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Acqua Alta, présentation

By Adrien M & Claire B

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Screenshot of Acqua Alta, présentation
Copyright: Adrien M & Claire B

Acqua Alta, présentation by Adrien M & Claire B

"Un projet qui se déploie en plusieurs temps : un spectacle mêlant corps et images ; un livre en pop-up à regarder en réalité augmentée ; une expérience pour casque de réalité virtuelle."

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By Peter Burr

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Screenshot of DROP CITY
Copyright: Peter Burr

DROP CITY by Peter Burr

"I was there the other day. So weird wandering thru those deserted ripped-off structures that so much love & agony & labor went into building. There were ghosts behind every broken window & half-off-the-hinges door. Sad hippy ghost town with a pile of human shit deposited on the drainboard next to the sink. Too many rats packed into too small a space. I guess we'll go down & scrounge what we can." (Peter Rabbit on Drop City)

By Peter Burr
Music by John Also Bennett
Music: JAB - "Menu Music For Video Game" from the album Erg Herbe (Shelter Press, 2019)
Technical Direction and Artistic Collaboration by Mark Fingerhut
Technical Work and Artistic Collaboration by Oren Shoham

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Hype Cycle: Smart Matter

By Universal Everything

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Screenshot of Hype Cycle: Smart Matter
Copyright: Universal Everything

Hype Cycle: Smart Matter by
Universal Everything

"Hype Cycle ­is a series of futurist films exploring human-machine collaboration, combining performance and emerging technologies."

Creative Director: Matt Pyke, Mike Hughes
Animation: Joe Street
Sound Designer: Simon Pyke, Freefarm
Senior Producer: Greg Povey
Motion Capture: ­Nick Dulake, Ursula Ankeny (Sheffield Hallam University)
Dancer: Tamar Draper
Choreographer: TC Howard

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Screenshot of Screenless projection experiments
Copyright: Joanie Lemercier

Screenless projection experiments

by Joanie Lemercier

"Music: U12, excerpt from Terminus Drift
by Joshua Sabin - Subtext recordings

This is NOT a hologram !"

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Screenshot of audiovisual performance - Klaus Obermaier
Copyright: Klaus Obermaier

FACELESS_VOICELESS - interactive audiovisual performance
by Klaus Obermaier

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Screenshot of Subterranean Interactions – Part II
Copyright: Klaus Obermaier

Subterranean Interactions – Part II
by Klaus Obermaier

Interactive performance and installation – live light painting
with Klaus Obermaier's multimedia master students,
Babes-Bolyai-University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
at the catacombs of Art Museum Cluj – November 2017
Adelina Bulibasa, Vlad Colciar, Adrian Ganea (music), Madalina Manzat, Lucian Matei, Bogdan Olaru (performance), Alexandra Sucioaia
coordinating professor: Rodica Mocan

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