digital art

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Screenshot of “Duet for Coder and a Sketcher”
Copyright: Animishmish

“Duet for Coder and a Sketcher” by Animishmish

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By Rimiyoho

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Screenshot of NAUTILUS
Copyright: Rimiyoho

NAUTILUS by Rimiyoho

"NAUTILUS is a journey into the depths of a colorful sea.
We can see how each stroke is generated bringing to life a jellyfish in an underwater landscape.
Live illustration and animation using Tagtool for iPad.
Rimiyoho is a project by visual artist Fernando Sica focused on live performance.
Music by Johnny Ripper, Song: klātu - bronze (johnny ripper remix)"

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Screenshot of “Tiny People Tribe” @ Dnieper River bridge
Copyright: Motomichi Studio

“Tiny People Tribe” @ Dnieper River bridge

"Projection Mapping installation at Dnieper River bridge, Kiev, Ukraine for Linoleum Animation and Media Art Festival. 2015."

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Screenshot of Virtual Actors in Chinese Opera
Copyright: Tobias Gremmler

Virtual Actors in Chinese Opera by Tobias Gremmler

Created for a theatre production that fuses Chinese Opera with New Media, the virtual actors are inspired by shapes, colors and motions of traditional Chinese costumes and dance. The project made me think of how costumes and fashion could reshape a human body.

Theatre Credits:
Lord Guan Yu on Stage
Scriptwriter: Wang An-qi
Director and Designer: Mathias Woo @ Zuni Icosahedron
Digital Images: Tobias Gremmler
Performed by: GuoGuang Opera Company (Taipei)

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Auto by Conner Griffith

By Conner Griffith

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Screenshot of Auto by Conner Griffith
Copyright: Conner Griffith

Auto by Conner Griffith

Cars dance on highways, crowds of people wash across sidewalk shores.

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Pleasant Places

By Quayola

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Screenshot of Pleasant Places
Copyright: Quayola

Pleasant Places - Excerpts
a project by Quayola
Software Programming: Nikolai Matviev
Cinematography: James Medcraft
Sound Design: Simone Lalli
Producer: Nicolas Wierinck
Producer Shoot: Luigi Filotico
Assistants: Caterina Rossato, Sebastiano Barbieri

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Screenshot of “Pulse Index” at MCA Sydney
Copyright: bitforms gallery

“Pulse Index” at MCA Sydney (2011) by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

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