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Screenshot of And All the Question Marks Started to Sing
Copyright: FuturePerfect

"All the Question Marks Started to Sing" a new work by the Norwegian art collective Verdensteatret, was the opening event of FuturePerfect 2011.

FuturePerfect is new performance, media, art and technology initiative founded by Wayne Ashley, the former Director of Arts in Multimedia at Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM).

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By goandsee123 goandsee123

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Screenshot of DELUSION
Copyright: goandsee123 goandsee123

DELUSION - an interactive light #installation by Luo Yu.

DELUSION is an interactive light installation which turns static floating tubes into virtual dynamic objects by using emitted light from projectors and sensors. DELUSION is a research of media arts into the combination between projection mapping and interaction technique.

Projects website:

DELUSION - an interactive light installation

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Urban Echo

By Christopher Baker

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Screenshot of Urban Echo
Copyright: Christopher Baker

Urban Echo by Christopher Baker, presented @ Huset i Magstræde, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2007

Urban Echo is an ongoing series of interactive sound and video installations. The project has appeared in many forms ranging from intimate outdoor video sculptures to large interactive public façades. Urban Echo aims to collect and creatively represent the
thoughts and imaginings of city-dwellers.
In each installation, participants send their thoughts and questions via SMS and voicemail. The responses are then projected and added to a dynamic spatialized audio composition.

Music: J. Anthony Allen
Concept: Christopher Baker

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By Arno Fabre

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Fits theses moodes:
Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Dropper01
Copyright: Arno Fabre

Sound installation from Arno Fabre - 2003 / 2006.

Eight percussion instruments – a cymbal, a timpani, a lithophone, a piece of wood, a red rubber band, a tagine cooking vessel, three marimba blades and eight flower pots are laid out in a circle and hanging in semi-darkness. Attached to the ceiling right above them, a network of cables and pipes is connected to a machine filled with water and composed of 24 drippers. Controlled by a computer playing a digital sheet music (Midi file, read by the software Max/MSP), the machine causes the water to drip on the percussion items hanging just below. The water drops fall as dictated by the music score, creating a real musical composition for water drops. The acoustic sounds produced by the percussion tools are amplified and broadcast through four loud speakers. There is no sound processing, or playing of recorded music, but only the sound of the impact of the drops. The water gradually fills up buckets as the music plays, and for sure, at some point, the buckets will have to be emptied.

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By jeongho.park

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Boxes
Copyright: jeongho.park

Boxes by Jeongho Park. Boxes influenced by other boxes. So the theme of the box is changed into the same theme like media phenomenon.

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