audiovisual art

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By casey farina

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Screenshot of Force.Line.Border
Copyright: casey farina

Douglas Nottingham, Joe Perez, and Robert Esler: Percussion

Black = Sound
White = Silence

"Force.Line.Border. is an animated graphic score for a trio of indeterminate instrumentation. This work is the latest in a series of animated graphic scores that builds on the concepts developed by John Cage, Morton Feldman, Cornelius Cardew, and Earle Brown for using abstract visual imagery to define musical events. The animated score is projected into the space and the musicians perform composed improvisations derived from their interpretation of the image. Each of the performers is responsible for one third of the frame as the piece gradually shifts between solo phrases and ensemble statements."

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Static No.19

By daniel crooks

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Fits theses moodes:
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Screenshot of Static No.19
Copyright: daniel crooks

Static No.19 (shibuya rorschach) by daniel crooks

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Screenshot of A History of the Sky
Copyright: Ken Murphy

A History of the Sky by Ken Murphy

"This is a year-long time-lapse study of the sky. A camera installed on the roof of the Exploratorium museum in San Francisco captured an image of the sky every 10 seconds. From these images, I created a mosaic of time-lapse movies, each showing a single day. The days are arranged in chronological order. My intent was to reveal the patterns of light and weather over the course of a year."

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By Keita Onishi

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Screenshot of DTM
Copyright: Keita Onishi

DTM by Keita Onishi

DTM is an abbreviation for DeskTop Music.

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Le mouvement de l'air

By Adrien M / Claire B

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Screenshot of Le mouvement de l'air
Copyright: Adrien M / Claire B

Le mouvement de l'air by Adrien M / Claire B

Spectacle arts numériques et danse.
Recherche en cours. Création le 7 octobre 2015 au Théâtre de L’Archipel, scène nationale de Perpignan.
Compagnie Adrien M / Claire B

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Mécaniques Discursives at Lux Valence

By ANTIVJ is a visual label

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Screenshot of Mécaniques Discursives at Lux Valence
Copyright: ANTIVJ is a visual label

Mécaniques Discursives at Lux Valence by ANTIVJ is a visual label

An installation by Fred Penelle & Yannick Jacquet
Exhibition at LUX - Scène nationale de Valence / F
20 DECEMBER 2014 - 7 March 2015

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By Paul Jebanasam

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Screenshot of FUJI
Copyright: Paul Jebanasam

FUJI (不死) by Joanie Lemercier

"...a 14 minutes audiovisual installation by Joanie Lemercier
music by Paul Jebanasam
production by Juliette Bibasse ..."

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