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Patterned by Nature

By Sosolimited

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Screenshot of Patterned by Nature
Copyright: Sosolimited

Patterned by Nature by Plebian Design, Hypersonic Design & Engineering, Patten Studio and Sosolimited

"...10 feet wide and 90 feet in length, this sculptural ribbon winds through the five story atrium of the museum and is made of 3600 tiles of LCD glass. It runs on roughly 75 watts, less power than a laptop computer. Animations are created by independently varying the transparency of each piece of glass...."

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By Max Estrella

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Screenshot of Waves
Copyright: Max Estrella

Waves: An Installation by Daniel Canogar.

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Screenshot of Klangfiguren // env blinds
Copyright: Lukas Hoeh

Klangfiguren // env blinds by Lukas Hoe.

Photos from mobile phones of the visitors are sent to the installation and become fragments of color and light as part of a video mapping projection in Cologne, Germany.

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Screenshot of Voyagers

"Voyagers" permanent audio video installation by The Light Surgeons for the National Maritime Museum’s new Sammy Ofer Wing, Greenwich.

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Screenshot of Greifpendel
Copyright: ART+COM

Kinetic Installation "Greifpendel" by ART+COM.

"The eight-metre high installation consists of three pendulum arms suspended in parallel, each of which carries 12 inward and outward-facing monitors. The screens show virtual hands which interact with each other from one screen to another. Virtual movement is transformed into real movement as the pendulums begin to swing when the hands push the pendulum."

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Aarhus by Light

By Tobias Ebsen

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Screenshot of Aarhus by Light
Copyright: Tobias Ebsen

Aarhus by Light.

"Concert Hall Aarhus, one of the largest in Europe, was home for a new interactive media facade that invited guests and passers-by to encounter and partake in a new dimension of the renowned cultural institution.
Aarhus by Light was active in the months of February and March, 2008. The project has now ended, but the idea of using of media facades to enrich Concert Hall Aarhus, as well as the rest of Aarhus, lives on. We maintain this website to offer information in the project.
Aarhus by Light is a groundbreaking experiment in media facades. The project is a collaboration between Concert Hall Aarhus, Martin Professional A/S, CAVI at the University of Aarhus, and Wall of Pixels."

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