3d print

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Projects filtered by tag '3d-print'. Click on any other tag button to switch the context, this project is currently in.


By Platige Image

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Screenshot of BIOSTAGOG
Copyright: Platige Image

BIOSTAGOG by Platige Image and Bridge

Project Concept and Creative Direction:
Mikołaj Molenda (Bridge)
Michał Piasecki (Bridge)
Marcin Kobylecki (Platige Image)

Computational Design:
Michał Piasecki (Bridge)
Kama Wybieralska (Bridge)

Interactive Mapping:
Mikołaj Molenda (Bridge)
Adam Wierzchowski (Platige Image)
Jarosław Tworek (Platige Image)
Stanisław Gąsiorowski (Platige Image)

3D Print:
Przemek Jaworski (Jawor Design Studio)
Bolesław Telesiński (LabDigiFab)
Piotr Halczuk (LabDigiFab)
Kamila Byrska (LabDigiFab)

Ewa Brzózka (Platige Image)
Marcin Kobylecki (Platige Image)

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Hidden in Plain Sight

By Michelle Hessel

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Fits theses moodes:
Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Hidden in Plain Sight
Copyright: Michelle Hessel

Hidden in Plain Sight by Michelle Hessel

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