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Screenshot of Order from Chaos - Official Video by Maxime Causeret
Copyright: Max Cooper

Max Cooper - Order from Chaos - Official Video by Maxime Causeret

"I'm really excited about this video project, after the first live show it was the part that everyone was asking about - It is a beautiful humanised exploration of life and emergence, by Maxime Causeret. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

The idea for this part of the story started on a day when there was really heavy rain hitting the roof window at my old flat. I got out my binaural mics and put my head right up by the window with the big raindrops hitting all around. They made nice individual percussive noises, with great spatial positioning, so I decided to use them to seed a piece of music.

This track is the most explicit representation of the idea of emergence in the album, because the rhythm of the track is created by the raindrops in an emergent manner - I took the audio samples, mapped the transients for the raindrop hits, and then forced the mapped points towards the nearest drumming grid positions. This meant that the random raindrops were pushed into a quantised grid, and the result was that a percussive rhythm emerged, one that I hadn't created myself, but was the closest rhythm to that particular section of rain.…"

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Screenshot of Planktonium - SHORT VERSION
Copyright: Jan van IJken

Planktonium by Jan van IJken

"... Planktonium is a short film by Jan van IJken about the unseen world of living microscopic plankton. It is a voyage into a secret universe, inhabited by alien-like creatures. These stunningly beautiful, very diverse and numerous organisms are unknown to most of us because they are invisible to the naked eye. However, they are wandering beneath the surface of all waters around us and they are of vital importance for all life on earth.

Jan van IJken filmed the plankton through his microscopes, revealing the beauty and delicate structures of the minute organisms in the finest detail. The film is without any voice-over or explanation.

Renowned Norwegian artist Jana Winderen made a sound composition for the film. She is recording audio environments and creatures which are hard for humans to access, both physically and aurally – deep under water, inside ice or in frequency ranges inaudible to the human ear.

Phytoplankton (small plant-like cells) are producing half of all oxygen on earth by photosynthesis, like plants and trees do on land. Zooplankton are forming the base of the food chain of aquatic life. Plankton are also playing an important part in the global carbon cycle. The plankton are threatened by climate change, global warming and acidification of the oceans. ..."

Filmed, directed and produced by Jan van IJken
Sound composition by Jana Winderen
Edited by Jan van IJken and Metje Postma

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A Decade of Sun

By NASA Goddard

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Screenshot of A Decade of Sun
Copyright: NASA Goddard

A Decade of Sun by NASA Goddard

June 2, 2010 - June 1, 2020
Every second is a day

"As of June 2020, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory — SDO — has now been watching the Sun non-stop for over a full decade. From its orbit in space around the Earth, SDO has gathered 425 million high-resolution images of the Sun, amassing 20 million gigabytes of data over the past 10 years. ..."

Music: "Solar Observer" written and produced for this video by Lars Leonhard (https://www.lars-leonhard.de/)

Video credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/SDO
Scott Wiessinger (USRA): Lead Producer
Tom Bridgman (GST): Lead Data Visualizer
Mara Johnson-Groh (Wyle Information Systems): Lead Science Writer

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By Simon Feat

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Screenshot of PASSAGE
Copyright: Simon Feat

PASSAGE by Simon Feat

"When the sun goes down, terrestrial activity slows down, cools off, and falls asleep. The stars appear in the deep black sky and the short cycles of terrestrial life give way to cosmic eternities. That is the moment chosen by a tiny soul to leave the Earth."

Film: Simon Feat
Music: Clément wlaker-Viry, Gabriel Feat

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Spinning Record

By Emily Downe

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Screenshot of Spinning Record
Copyright: Emily Downe

Spinning Record by Emily Downe

"Whilst a human figure walks a linear path, the rest of existence continues turning on an endless loop. "

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By Reka Bucsi

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Screenshot of Love
Copyright: Reka Bucsi

Love by Reka Bucsi

"LOVE is a short film describing affection in 3 different chapters, through an impact on a distant solar system."

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Copyright: Raphaël Bluzet


Writer and Director – Raphaël Bluzet
Narration – Gary Dourdan
Illustration – Arthur Poitevin
Animation – Raphaël Bluzet
Music – Yovoh
Sound design – François Riesterer
Record studio – Badje Auditorium
Mastering – Stereoplane

"After making a short statement about the difficulties of going into space, Roger recounts, in a dry and humoristic tone, the problems one encounters there. He compares the daily activities of life in space with those on earth."

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