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Noise room

By bence samu

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Screenshot of Noise room
Copyright: bence samu

Noise room by Bence Samu

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By Tina Tarpgaard

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Screenshot of FROST
Copyright: Tina Tarpgaard

FROST by Tina Tarpgaard

Frost is a dance performance where the warm intensity of the body contrasts with the frozen imprints left behind. It is a performance about memory.

Commissioned and produced by the Danish Dance Theatre.
Choreographer: Tina Tarpgaard
Dancers: Nelson R R Smith, Stinna Malmgreen, Minna Berglund, Luca Marazia, Ana Sendas and Csongor Szabo
Video and software artist: Jonas Jongejan, Ole Kristensen
Light design: Andreas Buhl
Composer: Jens Hørsving
Costumes: Charlotte Østergård

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Screenshot of virtual free runner
Copyright: aircord

virtual free runner by aircord

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By elektropastete

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Screenshot of Elektropastete
Copyright: elektropastete

Interactive Installation by Stefanie Greimel - Elektropastete

Presented at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE Berlin

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Stifters Dinge

By ruhrtriennale 2012 2013 2014

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Screenshot of Stifters Dinge
Copyright: ruhrtriennale 2012 2013 2014

Heiner Goebbels: Stifters Dinge

...Stifters Dinge – The Unguided Tour, in which the visitor has complete freedom to explore the huge machine with its stones, metal, pianos, water reservoirs, rain, fog, ice and hidden voices. Everyone can follow his/ her instincts on entering and choose when to leave and when to return; and to observe the decelerated motion of things (›Dinge‹) with access from all sides...

Production by Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne E.T.E. in Coproduction with Ruhrtriennale. In Corealisation with Artangel London.

Film by/(c) O PRODUCTION

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By Genelabo

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Screenshot of Projektionsradl
Copyright: Genelabo

Projektionsradl by Genelabo at G-Freinacht, Munich, Germany 2013

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By Jane Mumford

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Screenshot of Look
Copyright: Jane Mumford

by Jane Mumford and Justine Klaiber

Score - Christof Steinmann
Sound Design & Mixing - Thomas Gassmann
3D artist - Christoph Angehrn
Titles - David Zürcher
Mentors - Jürgen Haas, Robert Müller
Puppet building supervision - Gesine Richter

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