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By Páraic Mc Gloughlin

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Screenshot of Chase
Copyright: Páraic Mc Gloughlin

Chase by Páraic Mc Gloughlin.

"Shot in Ireland and Poland - a journey that explores ideas of decision, choice,consequence,circumstance and time among other things, a personal perception on how we try to find whatever it is we are searching for.The film looks at objects,people,and places which share common properties,our connection with one another and our environments in the very similar yet very different paths we share.

This project became a little obsession of mine:)

Thanks Dad,Kevin Mc Gloughlin,Pearse Mc Gloughlin and Jaroslaw Klups for all the help,and input..cheers:)"

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Screenshot of Max Cooper - Veil of Time
Copyright: Max Cooper

Max Cooper - Veil of Time - Official Video by Kevin McGloughlin

"A time-stretching love story (of sorts) by Kevin McGloughlin & Max Cooper"

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still life

By mehdi shiri

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Screenshot of still life
Copyright: mehdi shiri

still life by mehdi shiri

"any good that has to do something whit your life has a story of you inside of it , maybe a short memory"

Music by Charibou

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By Ülo Pikkov

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Screenshot of TIK-TAK
Copyright: Ülo Pikkov


by Ülo Pikkov

"Watchmaker controls the time, but the mouse living in the watchmaker's workshop controls the clocks... This is a film about time and its ephemeral nature."

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Auto by Conner Griffith

By Conner Griffith

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Screenshot of Auto by Conner Griffith
Copyright: Conner Griffith

Auto by Conner Griffith

Cars dance on highways, crowds of people wash across sidewalk shores.

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GRIDI tutorial

By yuval gerstein

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Screenshot of GRIDI tutorial
Copyright: yuval gerstein

GRIDI tutorial by Yuvi Gerstein

An elephant sice sequencer - "...to demonstrate the world of modern music composition and show that musical composition can be accessible and intuitive for all."

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Screenshot of A History of the Sky
Copyright: Ken Murphy

A History of the Sky by Ken Murphy

"This is a year-long time-lapse study of the sky. A camera installed on the roof of the Exploratorium museum in San Francisco captured an image of the sky every 10 seconds. From these images, I created a mosaic of time-lapse movies, each showing a single day. The days are arranged in chronological order. My intent was to reveal the patterns of light and weather over the course of a year."

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