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9 Ways To Draw a Person

By Sasha Svirsky

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Screenshot of 9 Ways To Draw a Person
Copyright: Sasha Svirsky

9 Ways To Draw a Person

by Sasha Svirsky

Film director, artist, animator – Sasha Svirsky
Composer, sound - Alexey Prosvirnin
Narration by - Charles Maynes
Producer - Nadezhda Svirskaia

Russian language version / Русскоязычная версия фильма:

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What is Beauty?

By Anna Ginsburg

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Screenshot of What is Beauty?
Copyright: Anna Ginsburg

What is Beauty?
by Anna Ginsburg


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The Loneliest

By Dan Azoulay

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Screenshot of The Loneliest
Copyright: Dan Azoulay

The Loneliest by Dan Azoulay

""The Loneliest" is an animated series dealing with loneliness. Based on the article "An Existential Perspective On Loneliness" by Michele A. Carter, each episode deals with a certain aspect of the concept and illustrates it by telling the story of the loneliest something."

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Screenshot of An Anthology Vol.1
Copyright: Yukai Du

An Anthology Vol.1 by Yukai Du

"An Anthology is one of my on-going personal project.
In publishing, the word 'anthology' is usually used for a collection of literary works like poems, short stories, songs, etc. In this video, I created a collection of short animated images, each of them could be a piece of thinking, a scene of a dream, an imagination from a poet or a nonsense thought. I keep doing these small pieces when I have some time, here are the first 10 images and therefore I edited it as Volume 1.

Design / Animation Yukai Du
Music 'Fin de Sicle' Parvus Decree (FMA)"

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still life

By mehdi shiri

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Screenshot of still life
Copyright: mehdi shiri

still life by mehdi shiri

"any good that has to do something whit your life has a story of you inside of it , maybe a short memory"

Music by Charibou

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Prayers for Peace

By Dusty Studio

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Screenshot of Prayers for Peace
Copyright: Dusty Studio

Prayers for Peace by Dustin Grelly

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Screenshot of Light and Shadow by Shintaro Ohata
Copyright: Matthew Allard ACS

Light & Shadow by Shintaro Ohata

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