the human being

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Projects filtered by tag 'the-human-being'. Click on any other tag button to switch the context, this project is currently in.
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Screenshot of Things Used To Be Hidden
Copyright: Tara

Things Used To Be Hidden
by Tara

"How much do we really want others to know about us and what do
we want to know about them? A mockumentary about the aftermath of a disaster causing everyone to loose their perception filters."

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In a Nutshell

By YK Animation

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Screenshot of In a Nutshell
Copyright: YK Animation

In a Nutshell
by YK Animation

"From a seed to war, from meat to love, from indifference to apocalypse. An attempt to capture the world in a nutshell."

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By Páraic Mc Gloughlin

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Screenshot of Arena
Copyright: Páraic Mc Gloughlin

Arena by Páraic McGloughlin

"A brief look at the earth from above, based on the shapes we make, the game of life, our playing ground - Arena.

Created using Google Earth imagery.

Pearse McGloughlin and I collaborated on the audio resulting in something between music and a soundtrack.
Audio mastered by TJ LippleHear "

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Mexico City in a minute.

By Santiago Arau Pontone

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Screenshot of Mexico City in a minute.
Copyright: Santiago Arau Pontone

Mexico City in a minute.

By Santiago Arau Pontones

"Mexico City is impossible to describe; this video mixes time-lapses with drone shots that try to convey the city from a different perspective."

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land without evil

By Kati Egely

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Screenshot of land without evil
Copyright: Kati Egely

land without evil by Kati Egel

"Throughout history people have always been searching for a perfect place. This shortfilm, based on Guaraní mythology (Tierra sin mal), offers another point of view on paradise: what if the real paradise is inside us and lies in the harmony and unity of everything alive?"

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By Kati Egely

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Screenshot of Euphoria/Alegría
Copyright: Kati Egely

by Kati Egely

Music: Chancha via Circuito - bienaventuranza, Wonderful Recordings 2013

"The subject of my work is the old paradox between man and nature. People had long ago cut themselves off of their natural environment and have suffered since from this division, the lack of the essential feeling of unity and belonging. .... "

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Screenshot of Just Dance: Able - NOWNESS
Copyright: NOWNESS

Just Dance: Able - NOWNESS

Ill-Abilities Crew:
Luca "Lazyleg" Patuelli
Jacob "Kujo" Lyons
Redouan "Redo" Ait Chitt
Sergio David "Checho" Miranda Carvajal
Samuel Henrique "Samuka" Da Silveira Lima

Director: Jacob Jonas
Producer: Jill Wilson
Photographer: Jed Alan, Jacob Jonas
Music: Chad Lawson

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