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Screenshot of Cave aux Bulles (Bubbles' Cellar)
Copyright: Guévaux 2013

Cave aux Bulles (Bubbles' Cellar) by Joelle Aeschlimann, Pauline Saglio and Mathieu Rivier

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Cycles 720

By numbercult

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Screenshot of Cycles 720
Copyright: numbercult

Cycles 720 by numbercult

"Cycles 720 is an hybrid visual/audio sequencer built using VVVV and Ableton Live with a custom M4L patch.

Circle/Line interactions trigger percussion: rhythm and swing are dictated by the size, number of circles, their degree of separation, orientation and elasticity of each collision."

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By Simon Pyke / Freefarm

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Screenshot of Ghost
Copyright: Simon Pyke / Freefarm

Ghost by Thomas Traum and Tim Gfrerer; music by Simon Pyke

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1000 Hands & Presence

By Universal Everything

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Screenshot of 1000 Hands & Presence
Copyright: Universal Everything

Media Space / 1000 Hands & Presence / Full 24 Minute Show by Universal Everything

"A large audio-visual artwork created collaboratively through a smart phone app will be on display for the first time at Media Space, the new galleries opening in the Science Museum, London."

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By Max Estrella

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Screenshot of Waves
Copyright: Max Estrella

Waves: An Installation by Daniel Canogar.

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Screenshot of Lichtklangphonogramm
Copyright: SoundKino

Lichtklangphonogramm by Melissa Cruz Garcia, Aleks Kolkowski , Matteo Marangoni, Anne Wellmer

An exhibition of historical and re-invented optical and mechanical sound machines from the era of the wax cylinder phonograph.

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