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Projects filtered by tag 'society'. Click on any other tag button to switch the context, this project is currently in.
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Screenshot of Going Through the Motions (2015)
Copyright: Alan Jennings

Going Through the Motions (2015)
by Alan Jennings

"Gym class can be tough. Someone is bound to lose an eye."

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Hidden in Plain Sight

By Michelle Hessel

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Screenshot of Hidden in Plain Sight
Copyright: Michelle Hessel

Hidden in Plain Sight by Michelle Hessel

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Nutag - Homeland

By Alisi Telengut

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Screenshot of Nutag - Homeland
Copyright: Alisi Telengut

Nutag - Homeland (2016)
by Alisi Telengut

"A visual poem and surrealist requiem for the Kalmyk people that were mass-deported by USSR from 1943-1957 and half of them died before they were allowed to return home. The film manifests itself as an archetype with frame by frame hand painted imagery, bringing back an example of human history on the eternal and universal theme of diaspora and the loss of homeland.
Directed and animated by: Alisi Telengut
Sound design: Alisi Telengut
.... "

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Screenshot of Madagascar, Carnet de voyage
Copyright: bastiendubois

Madagascar, Carnet de voyage by Bastien Dubois

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Screenshot of A Memory of Astoria
Copyright: ezra wube

A Memory of Astoria by ezra wube

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Moving Dallas

By Moving Cities Project

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Screenshot of Moving Dallas
Copyright: Moving Cities Project

Moving Dallas by Moving Cities Project

"...Combining competing images of the Lone Star State, Moving Dallas brings together the best dance institutions the city has to offer. From the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders to world-class ballet, contemporary and folklorico. All set against a glassy dream, packed with early 20th century Art Deco...."

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By Anna Leterq

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Screenshot of Métronome
Copyright: Anna Leterq

Métronome by Anna Leterq

Music by Rémi Subjobert

"Plongé dans la routine cacophonique du travail, un homme parvient à s'en échapper en composant sa musique du quotidien."

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