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Have Heart

By Will Anderson

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Screenshot of Have Heart
Copyright: Will Anderson

Have Heart by Will Anderson

"A looping animated GIF has an existential crisis."

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Screenshot of Jacob Perlmutter - Meanwhile In Rio
Copyright: George Wheeler

Jacob Perlmutter - Meanwhile In Rio by George Wheeler

"Directed by George Wheeler
Written by Jacob Perlmutter and George Wheeler

An Oil Pastel animation I made for Jacob's song.

Every frame is drawn on white paper, then inverted in post. This was so that I could get bright colours on a black background without too much compositing."

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By Peter Burr

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Screenshot of DROP CITY
Copyright: Peter Burr

DROP CITY by Peter Burr

"I was there the other day. So weird wandering thru those deserted ripped-off structures that so much love & agony & labor went into building. There were ghosts behind every broken window & half-off-the-hinges door. Sad hippy ghost town with a pile of human shit deposited on the drainboard next to the sink. Too many rats packed into too small a space. I guess we'll go down & scrounge what we can." (Peter Rabbit on Drop City)

By Peter Burr
Music by John Also Bennett
Music: JAB - "Menu Music For Video Game" from the album Erg Herbe (Shelter Press, 2019)
Technical Direction and Artistic Collaboration by Mark Fingerhut
Technical Work and Artistic Collaboration by Oren Shoham

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Zero Gravity

By Nico Neefs

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Screenshot of Zero Gravity
Copyright: Nico Neefs

Zero Gravity by Nico Neefs

Nico Neefs (photographer)
Stéphane Bourhis (dancer)
Masami Sakura (dancer)
Sound by Anthony Braucourt

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Screenshot of PATTERN LANGUAGE (midnight moment)
Copyright: Peter Burr

PATTERN LANGUAGE (midnight moment) by Peter Burr

"Pattern Language, built in a video game engine, is a rhythmic, strobing composition in richly patterned black and white. Employing cellular automata and crowd-simulation algorithms, this work envisions human life within a labyrinthine “Dirtscraper” – an inverted, underground skyscraper. Indistinct, nongendered figures in shades of grey walk through endless generative levels of lights and right angles, while others fill the screen with dots that bloom or wilt according to the classic “Game of Life” model developed by mathematician John Conway in 1970. Part of a larger project of the same name that has appeared from Kiev to Berkeley to Amsterdam, this work overtook Times Square in New York City every night in May 2018 as a part of Times Square Arts’ Midnight Moment program. Viewers were immersed in the endless labyrinth which mirrors both the pointillist quality of Times Square’s LED billboards and the patterns we ourselves trace through the megastructure environment of New York City."

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Musica Universalis

By United Visual Artists

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Screenshot of Musica Universalis
Copyright: United Visual Artists

Musica Universalis by United Visual Artists

Sound design by Ben Kreukniet

"... During the 1st century BC, mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras discovered a series of relationships between geometry and harmonics. He identified that the pitch of a musical note is in proportion to the length of the string that produces it, and that intervals between harmonious sound frequencies form simple numerical ratios.

Musica Universalis is a spatial instrument that investigates the resonances from far away objects in our solar system. It comprises a series of kinetic, physical sculptures, each containing a spherical form and a mechanism driving a rotating light source and speaker. Light is cast through the space creating interventions and interactions with the architecture. Oscillations slowly drift in and out of harmony within each cell and across the series. Over time, white light shifts into its component frequencies of colour. ..."

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Once Upon a Line

By Alicja Jasina

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Screenshot of Once Upon a Line
Copyright: Alicja Jasina

Once Upon a Line by Alicja Jasina

Directed by Alicja Jasina
Music by Aaron Gilmartin
Sound by Katie Gately
Produced at University of Southern California

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