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Projects filtered by tag 'schizophrenia'. Click on any other tag button to switch the context, this project is currently in.
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Fits theses moodes:
Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of IT’S NOT YOU (C’EST PAS TOI)
Copyright: Isaac Holland

IT’S NOT YOU (C’EST PAS TOI) by Isaac Holland

"An experimental narrative about a man searching for his other half in the wrong places.

Directed, written, animated & sound designed by Isaac Holland
Narration by David Savage"

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The Making of Longbird

By Will Anderson

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Screenshot of The Making of Longbird
Copyright: Will Anderson

The Making of Longbird by Will Anderson.

Director: Will Anderson
Writer(s): Will Anderson, Ainslie Henderson, Vitalij Sicinava
Producer: Donald Holwill.
Cast: Will Anderson, Tobias Feltus, Vitalij Sicinava
Music: Composer: Atzi
Piano Solo: Derek Williams
Violin: Kate Miguda
Cello, extra strings: Atzi
Sound Design: Keith Duncan

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