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Sent Away

By Rosa Fisher

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Screenshot of Sent Away
Copyright: Rosa Fisher

Sent Away by Rosa Fisher

"Boarding schools can rip children out of their secure, loving homes and deposit them into a cold, unloving institution. ‘Sent Away’ looks at the psychological implications that this can have on children and in particular the effect it had on my father, Tom.
The film explores themes of masculinity, and also speculates how the cultural practice of sending children to boarding school has politically shaped the UK.

Directed by - Rosa Fisher
Musical score - Martino Gasparrini
Sound mix - Martino Gasparrini
Live Action - Martino Gasparrini
Voice over - Tom Fisher
Horn Playing - Tom Fisher
Colouring Assistance - Laura Carter, Jill Gibbon"

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Tomorrow’s On Fire

By Oh Yeah Wow

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Screenshot of Tomorrow’s On Fire
Copyright: Oh Yeah Wow

Tomorrow’s On Fire by Oh Yeah Wow

Created in direct response to the Australian Bushfire crisis, Darcy Prendergast's new film #TomorrowsOnFire is a rallying cry for hope, in a country increasingly scarce of it.

Please help support injured Australian wildlife, by making a donation to:

I’m angered, incensed, enraged and fed up.
With you lazy, ignorant fossil fool chumps

You’ve sold out our nation, and served up division
Whilst it’s grief stricken people, scream at deaf politicians

And it’s not just the humans— our animals fry
While you coal hearted arsonists, continue to thrive.

On our future you wager, without heed nor concern
Just misinformation, while our backyards burn

You elected officials hold aloft lumps of coal,
With the pride of an Olympian, who’s just won gold

From up high on ye’ podium, you silence dissenters
What we’ve come to expect, from you bald one percenters

You should be disgraced, and thrown headfirst from office.
Do not pass go, do not stock mining coffers.

Instead you drive narratives, of left vs right,
Whilst you all fear, what the middle just might.

So rally together, love strong and rage stronger
So that life on this planet, can last some time longer.

Tomorrow’s on fire, and the sky it bleeds crimson.
So it’s about time, we made our tax dollars listen.

Made by: Oh Yeah Wow,

Written, animated & directed by: Darcy Prendergast.

Narrated by: Miles M.

Sound Design by: Richard Tamplenizza.

Narration recorded by: Talia Raso @ Dead On Sound.

Coloured by: Jayden Dowler, Meg Lee, Matt Abello, Marc Moynihan, Michael Sweeney.

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Carlotta’s Face

By Fabian&Fred

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Screenshot of Carlotta’s Face
Copyright: Fabian&Fred

Through art, Carlotta overcomes a rare brain condition that prevents her from recognizing faces.

Animated Documentary by
Director: Valentin Riedl, Frédéric Schuld
Animation: Frédéric Schuld
Sound: Simon Bastian
Producer: Fabian Driehorst

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Screenshot of Sam Tudor - Joseph in the Bathroom

Sam Tudor - Joseph in the Bathroom by Lucas Hrubizna

Music from the album "Quotidian Dream" by Sam Tudor

"Director: Lucas Hrubizna
Producer: Joaquin Cardoner
Cinematographer: Blake Davey
Editor: Lucas Hrubizna
Visual Effects: Lucas Hrubizna
Colourist: Lucas Hrubizna
1st Assistant Director: Brock Newman
Production Designer: Charlie Hannah
1st Assistant Camera: Farhad Ghaderi
2nd Assistant Camera: Michael Reimer
Dolly Grip: Chris Devito
Special Effects Supervisor: Keifer Dallison
1st Assistant Special Effects: Hayden Dallison
Makeup Artist: Kristen Foote"

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Screenshot of A Fly in The Restaurant 寒露
Copyright: Xi Chen

A Fly in The Restaurant 寒露 (2018)
by Xi Chen

"In a restaurant in China, waiters try to swat flies while a number of diners eat their food."

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By Tom Teller

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Screenshot of Hum
Copyright: Tom Teller

Hum by Tom Teller

"A solitary dish washing robot living out his life in the back room of a restaurant is enlightened to the world that exists beyond his four walls, with the help of a small friend he breaks free of confinement to pursue his dream of exploration."

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By Anna Leterq

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Screenshot of Métronome
Copyright: Anna Leterq

Métronome by Anna Leterq

Music by Rémi Subjobert

"Plongé dans la routine cacophonique du travail, un homme parvient à s'en échapper en composant sa musique du quotidien."

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