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Screenshot of Order from Chaos - Official Video by Maxime Causeret
Copyright: Max Cooper

Max Cooper - Order from Chaos - Official Video by Maxime Causeret

"I'm really excited about this video project, after the first live show it was the part that everyone was asking about - It is a beautiful humanised exploration of life and emergence, by Maxime Causeret. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

The idea for this part of the story started on a day when there was really heavy rain hitting the roof window at my old flat. I got out my binaural mics and put my head right up by the window with the big raindrops hitting all around. They made nice individual percussive noises, with great spatial positioning, so I decided to use them to seed a piece of music.

This track is the most explicit representation of the idea of emergence in the album, because the rhythm of the track is created by the raindrops in an emergent manner - I took the audio samples, mapped the transients for the raindrop hits, and then forced the mapped points towards the nearest drumming grid positions. This meant that the random raindrops were pushed into a quantised grid, and the result was that a percussive rhythm emerged, one that I hadn't created myself, but was the closest rhythm to that particular section of rain.…"

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Screenshot of DoorDream (a lockdown film)
Copyright: Will Dohrn

DoorDream by Will Dohrn

"Shot during lockdown 1 and late 2019, ignored during lockdown 2 and edited during lockdown 3.

Inspired by passing neighbours and the work of Chris Cunningham.

25th anniversary fan vignette to Aphex Twin’s Yellow Calx. Shot on an iPhone 8 with Filmic Pro using a custom engineered door peep hole lens mount made by Ratworks Engineering."

Shot and edited by Will Dohrn
Music - Aphex Twin - Yellow Calx

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By Jin Angdoo

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Screenshot of SEQUENCE
Copyright: Jin Angdoo

SEQUENCE by Jin Angdoo and Dan Munro

"A short film made with a scientist Dan Munro about protein folding during Imagine Science Films Festival in NY."

Art / Camera by Jin Angdoo and Dan Munro
Edit / FX / Color by Jin Angdoo
Sound by Merche Blasco
Titles by Mathieu Julien
Title Font Vendredi by Anton Moglia
Special thanks to Alina Maria Rancier, Nate Dorr and Lauren Kaye

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By Michelle Brand

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Screenshot of Synchronicity
Copyright: Michelle Brand

Synchronicity by Michelle Brand
Music by Vincenzo Di Francesco

"People come, people go - Yet everyone is moving in the same direction. We all are sharing something that we are unaware of, creating one big picture we are unable to see.

The film explores the idea of how everyone is connected in a way we may not realise. By sharing time, space and movement, we overlap and create a bigger picture. We all are walking down our own line of time, believing we live in our own time line, however this line constantly overlaps with the line of others – or perhaps we all are moving on the same line – and all lines are connected through a constant process of change."

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Around the Block

By Jonnie Lewis

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Screenshot of Around the Block
Copyright: Jonnie Lewis

Around the Block by Jonnie Lewis

"'Around the Block' is a passion project of mine that focuses on street artist David Zinn.

I began work on it through my own sense of creative frustration, with the loose idea being 'I want to go and make a film about a street artist'.

But when it came to editing it, it felt more apt for it to become an analogy for what it's like to be involved in the creative process that perhaps anyone in a creative industry can identify with.

Much like David finds inspiration in the cracks, streaks and specks on the pavement, I personally find that getting out and finding shots with a camera in my hand is far more fluid and inspiring than sitting at home and trying to come up with ideas.

The final piece is no longer a film specifically about street art, but a study of the process involved in making ideas come to life - told through a tour of David's world alongside the characters that live within it.

If nothing else, hopefully it encourages someone else to go out and create something just... because."

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By Prawta Annez

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Screenshot of TOWELS
Copyright: Prawta Annez

TOWELS by Prawta Annez

Territory can be claimed in many different ways, be it borders or walls.
In summer, however, it's towels.

"Designed and written during the tense political climate of 2017, with the beginning of Brexit and Trump's inauguration, this short was a way to express my inner frustrations and reflections at the time.
However, it is interesting that there may be some parallels to our current situation in 2020.

I hope this short can be 4 minutes of fun and escapism for anyone who watches it, no matter where they may be or whatever they may be going through." - Prawta A.

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By Anna Katalin Lovrity

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Screenshot of VOLCANO ISLAND
Copyright: Anna Katalin Lovrity

Written, Designed & Directed: Anna Katalin Lovrity

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