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Musica Universalis

By United Visual Artists

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Screenshot of Musica Universalis
Copyright: United Visual Artists

Musica Universalis by United Visual Artists

Sound design by Ben Kreukniet

"... During the 1st century BC, mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras discovered a series of relationships between geometry and harmonics. He identified that the pitch of a musical note is in proportion to the length of the string that produces it, and that intervals between harmonious sound frequencies form simple numerical ratios.

Musica Universalis is a spatial instrument that investigates the resonances from far away objects in our solar system. It comprises a series of kinetic, physical sculptures, each containing a spherical form and a mechanism driving a rotating light source and speaker. Light is cast through the space creating interventions and interactions with the architecture. Oscillations slowly drift in and out of harmony within each cell and across the series. Over time, white light shifts into its component frequencies of colour. ..."

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land without evil

By Kati Egely

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Screenshot of land without evil
Copyright: Kati Egely

land without evil by Kati Egel

"Throughout history people have always been searching for a perfect place. This shortfilm, based on Guaraní mythology (Tierra sin mal), offers another point of view on paradise: what if the real paradise is inside us and lies in the harmony and unity of everything alive?"

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What is Beauty?

By Anna Ginsburg

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Screenshot of What is Beauty?
Copyright: Anna Ginsburg

What is Beauty?
by Anna Ginsburg


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Part 6/8: Poetry of Perception

By HarvardX Neuroscience

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Screenshot of Part 6/8: Poetry of Perception
Copyright: HarvardX Neuroscience

Part 6/8: Poetry of Perception by HarvardX Neuroscience

"An eight-part series (Poetry of Perception) on representations of perception and sensation made for "Touch comes before sight, before speech. It is the first language and the last, and it always tells the truth." Margaret Atwood"

Words by Walt Whitman
Animation by Caitlin Craggs
Narration by Caitlin Craggs
Sound + Music by Skillbard
Produced by Nadja Oertelt

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Screenshot of Technological Dream Series: No. 1, Robots
Copyright: dunne & raby

Technological Dream Series: No. 1, Robots
by dunne & raby

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The Loneliest

By Dan Azoulay

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Screenshot of The Loneliest
Copyright: Dan Azoulay

The Loneliest by Dan Azoulay

""The Loneliest" is an animated series dealing with loneliness. Based on the article "An Existential Perspective On Loneliness" by Michele A. Carter, each episode deals with a certain aspect of the concept and illustrates it by telling the story of the loneliest something."

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By Rosalie Benevello

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Screenshot of Symbiose
Copyright: Rosalie Benevello

Symbiose by Rosalie Benevello

Film de 1 minute, exercice 1ère année La Poudrière

Réalisation : Rosalie Benevello
Montage son : Nadège Feyrit
Bruitage : Julien Baissat, Lucas Bellomo
Prise de vue : Christian Eydoux
Compositing : Mathieu Brisebras
Montage image : Jeanne Fontaine

Parain : José Miguel Ribeiro

La Poudrière 2017

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