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Stop Motion

By ole kristensen

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Screenshot of Stop Motion
Copyright: ole kristensen

Stop Motion at Copenhagen Central Square by Jonas Jongejan and Ole Kristensen

Outdoor setup made for Re:New Festival at the Main Square in Copenhagen, Denmark. The installation combines infrared tracking and digital photography, indexing photos by the location of a hand held light bulb.

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Screenshot of Scramble Crossroad
Copyright: zuga

Scramble Crossroad by Futurismo Zugakousaku

"It is very dangerous to believe something blindly. It could lead to a limited view of the world in a state of mind control. We should remind ourselves that nothing is absolute. Everything is relative, and what it means depends on the relationship it is in with all else."

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By Tim Divall

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Screenshot of Drifting
Copyright: Tim Divall

Drifting by Tim Divall

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By Pedro Deltell - Lemon Face Films

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Screenshot of EncuadrArte
Copyright: Pedro Deltell - Lemon Face Films

EncuadrArte by Pedro Deltell

BI-MA Interactive Installation for the Artdemossa. TorpeDeArte Collective.

El 24 de Julio en el Artdemossa durante las fiestas de Valdemossa Oigovisiones Team montó una fiesta-pipote con 5 proyectores reciclados, un par de cámaras, 8 ordenadores y una triplehead2go. ¡Este es el resultado!

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Screenshot of Friction of Time
Copyright: YCAM

Friction of Time by Saburo Teshigawara

2008/Commissioned by YCAM

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Instant Paintings #3

By Marco Cadioli

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Screenshot of Instant Paintings #3
Copyright: Marco Cadioli

Instant Paintings #3 by Marco Cadioli

Google Earth transformed in an Instant Paintings Generator.

Instant Paintings is part of the project "Abstract Journeys", where the popular software Google Earth is used to do something different from his original goal of 3d World representation. In a long series of jumps the surfaces of the earth, seen from above in a perfect azimuthal view, generate instant paintings.

Marco Cadioli, 2012 - 5'20" (HD 720)

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Screenshot of Spiral - 360° Panorama
Copyright: DEFRAME

Spiral - 360° Panorama by DEFRAME Collective at Oddstream Festival 2011 NL.

Carolien Teunisse [Lucidlien] - visuals
Luuk Meuffels [Lume] - visuals
Leon Lubberdink [Dubberdink] - sound design
Robin Koek [Artefakt] - sound design

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