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Projects filtered by tag 'irony'. Click on any other tag button to switch the context, this project is currently in.
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Screenshot of Ego Monuments - Montreal, Canada
Copyright: Isaac Cordal

Some interventions I have made in Montreal

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Getting Started

By William J Crook

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Screenshot of Getting Started
Copyright: William J Crook

Getting Started by William J Crook

"Feeling frenetic, frustrated, ecstatic, distracted, it's all part of getting started."

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By robert loebel

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Screenshot of LINK
Copyright: robert loebel

LINK by robert loebel

Written, Animated & Directed by: Robert Löbel
Sound Design: David Kamp
2D Animation: Robert Löbel, Anne-Lou Erambert, Dante Zaballa, Guille Comin, Olivia Blanc, Kathy Würbs
Color & Clean up: Robert Löbel, Elisabeth Vahle Janerka

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By paulina ziolkowska

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Screenshot of BLESS YOU! / NA ZDROWIE!
Copyright: paulina ziolkowska

BLESS YOU! / NA ZDROWIE! by paulina ziolkowska

"Warning: Contagious! Germs fly around wildly in the hustle and bustle of urban life. You stand next to the wrong nose, and it happens in a flash. You can even get a dose during an innocent flirt with your potential sweetheart. And what happens if you keep on infecting yourself? "

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Anxious Fruits

By Danski Tang

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Screenshot of Anxious Fruits
Copyright: Danski Tang

Anxious Fruits by Danski Tang

"An apple a day keeps anxiety away."

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Screenshot of Merijn Hos — Down The Rabbit Hole 2019
Copyright: Hugo & Marie

Merijn Hos — Down The Rabbit Hole 2019 by Hugo & Marie

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Une minute de danse par jour / Mille et un jours
Copyright: Nadia Vadori-Gauthier

Une minute de danse par jour / Mille et un jours

by Nadia Vadori-Gauthier

Music: 1000 Dances by Theo Lawrence and the Hearts

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