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Screenshot of Lumière II Version 2.1
Copyright: Robert Henke

Audiovisual Composition, Laser Projection:
Lumière II Version 2.1 by Robert Henke

"Lumière is an audiovisual composition for lasers and sound. The building blocks of the piece are a new type of events, a compound of visual shapes and a sonic counterparts. The work is based on hundreds of these audiovisual 'notes', to create a previously unseen and highly synchronized immersive experience. The lasers project on a large screen, partially obscured by a wall of fog, which also makes the intensive beams of light visible in the air, connecting the lasers in the back of the room with the front, forming fragile temporary objects above the audience. The special quality of the laser light allows to combine complete darkness with moments of extreme brightness, pure white with intense saturated colors and precise movements with complex organic shapes.

Lumière is a long term artistic research project, exploring syntax, meaning and narration within a newly developed audiovisual language. "

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By Marta Di Francesco

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Screenshot of VAULTII
Copyright: Marta Di Francesco

VAULTII by Marta Di Francesco

"A short film inspired by the aesthetic and meditative quality of whirling, that repeatedly creates vaults and curves of movement through a geometrical and spatial dimension.
Dancing through flashing patterns of fabric inspired textures, knots are weaving and unraveling, like waves of an ever changing fabric of consciousness."

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Screenshot of CONTACT: Augmented Acoustics
Copyright: Felix Faire

CONTACT: Augmented Acoustics by Felix Faire

"CONTACT is a tangible audio interface to manipulate and visualize sounds generated from interaction with a simple wooden surface.
Any physical contact with the table generates acoustic vibrations which are manipulated and visualized LIVE as they occur using several communicating pieces of software."

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By casey farina

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Screenshot of Force.Line.Border
Copyright: casey farina

Douglas Nottingham, Joe Perez, and Robert Esler: Percussion

Black = Sound
White = Silence

"Force.Line.Border. is an animated graphic score for a trio of indeterminate instrumentation. This work is the latest in a series of animated graphic scores that builds on the concepts developed by John Cage, Morton Feldman, Cornelius Cardew, and Earle Brown for using abstract visual imagery to define musical events. The animated score is projected into the space and the musicians perform composed improvisations derived from their interpretation of the image. Each of the performers is responsible for one third of the frame as the piece gradually shifts between solo phrases and ensemble statements."

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By L'Armada Productions

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Screenshot of LA BOITE
Copyright: L'Armada Productions

LA BOITE by Studio G&M

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Quantum Space

By sodazot

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Screenshot of Quantum Space
Copyright: sodazot

Quantum Space / interactive room by sodazot

Quantum Space. Interactive video room/installation.
Life Zone exhibition at M'ARS Gallery, Moscow.

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